1- Invitation system
2- Description: You have to invite a person TWICE to get with them in a party, to invite ANOTHER person you have to wait 5 seconds. So say I invite person A, I have to invite him twice and to invite person B I have to wait 4-5 seconds, after I invite person B, I have to wait another 4-5 seconds to invite person C, so on and so forth..
3- How it must work: You should to get in a group with a person after you invite them ONCE and you shouldn't wait 4-5 seconds to invite someone else, there should be no delay, you should be able to invite them instantly without waiting 4-5 secs.
4- Date: April 15th, 2015 (This bug has been in PandaWoW since the beginning, everyone had enough of it already.)
5- Realm: All realms
6- Priority of the problem: 10/10, its very annoying, everyone had enough of this bug, we all hate the fact that we have to wait 5 seconds to invite someone and to get in a group you have to invite someone twice.