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Everything posted by eyal741

  1. Yeah maybe. I've noticed the monthly updates and live changelog as well, I'm betting that helped too. My second question would be if the community's population that increased are PvErs or PvPers...
  2. Is it not worth it? I mean, there must be a reason behind the increasing activity, just trying to find out what it is. :)
  3. Anyone noticed that the X100 activity's been increasing a bit in the last couple of weeks? Pretty interesting, if people start world PvPing and dueling I might actually come back...
  4. Name : http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=45775/glyph-of-deluge Realm : PandaWoW Fun priority : 3/10 - just a nice lil thing, it works on ## so all you have to do is really just copy paste the script.
  5. Would like to stand for myself, he insulted me multiple times in Dalaran arena, I replied. Everyone would've done it, don't tell me "you should've reported him" Also. You're a kid, try to handle some man to man insults. Scrub. - - - Updated - - - Also, Minpojke wannabe, nice bars.
  6. Name of the terms of service violator : Nevesresto + Impsycho Realm : PandaWoW Fun Reason : Nevesresto = Racism, Impsycho = Insulting Proof : http://prntscr.com/7lrxho NOTE : I'm very insulted by Impsycho and since I'm completely against racism, I'm insulted A LOT by Nevesresto. I would like to see them get hard punishment.
  7. http://prntscr.com/7kctxb This guy has been literally following me for over 5 minutes now, he wants to "fit" in , like no.. this is just too dumb now. My brain can't take this anymore.
  8. Sezel, my nigga, enough said. I fucking volunteer to write a script LIKE HONESTLY IT WOULD BE A SCRIPT OF 200 LINES MAX what the fuck is this broken server on about? - - - Updated - - - You know what's funny? the invitation system is the most basic thing in this game for communication... xD excuse me while I go laugh my ass off
  9. 1- Invitation system 2- Description: You have to invite a person TWICE to get with them in a party, to invite ANOTHER person you have to wait 5 seconds. So say I invite person A, I have to invite him twice and to invite person B I have to wait 4-5 seconds, after I invite person B, I have to wait another 4-5 seconds to invite person C, so on and so forth.. 3- How it must work: You should to get in a group with a person after you invite them ONCE and you shouldn't wait 4-5 seconds to invite someone else, there should be no delay, you should be able to invite them instantly without waiting 4-5 secs. 4- Date: April 15th, 2015 (This bug has been in PandaWoW since the beginning, everyone had enough of it already.) 5- Realm: All realms 6- Priority of the problem: 10/10, its very annoying, everyone had enough of this bug, we all hate the fact that we have to wait 5 seconds to invite someone and to get in a group you have to invite someone twice.
  10. Whenever I login it says "You must login with a Battle.net account" Had this error before... usually gets fixed after you delete the config-accountname.wtf but this time it didn't and I don't want to reinstall the game as I already redownloaded it and have downloaded WoD models wow-update-base and wow-update + data. How do I fix it?
  11. 1. Name: Invitation system, party + raids. 2. Description: We have to invite the player twice to get in a party with them, and we have to wait 5 seconds to invite another player. 3. How it must work: We should only invite the party ONCE to get in a party with them and there shouldn't be a 5 second delay to invite another player. 4. Date when you tested it: 8/3/2015 (This bug has been here for two years now) 5. Realm : All realms 6. Priority : 10/10 - Everybody is sick of this bug and we all agree that it is EXTREMELY annoying, it would take 15 minutes tops to fix it, save us a lot of trouble please we beg you, thank you.
  12. Lmfao that's my best friend ahahahahahahhaha I'm so happy I read this forum Imma mock the shit out of him now LOOOOOL
  13. No it was not as I got lucky... first run got 2 armaggedons, second run got none, 3rd got 5 armaggedons :)
  14. Hello everyone, so I didn't record the adventures and raids as I didn't know I would end up like this... but luckily I took some screen shots, enjoy the story ^-^ So me and my friend DkTk decided to do some funny stuff, we first went to the stormwind city boss (King varian wrynn) we killed him and had fun... http://i.imgur.com/P4lBQHx.jpg Then we went to Ironforge, killed some players and killed the iron council :) http://i.imgur.com/VNNXuPP.jpg http://i.imgur.com/DE47yCt.jpg Then this happend.... we decided to go to outside of stormwind city and give it a go.... 33 accounts... 8 healers.... 8 enhancements.... 17 death knights.... VS 93 alliance!!!!!!!!! crazy right?! my addon detected it and I was in a big shock! (counting only pvp flagged players) http://i.imgur.com/hJ68sOl.jpg Look in chat. Hahahahaha this is unbelieveable..... we wipped but we had so much fun :) Here's our show in orgrimmar :P didn't screen shot popping army and cds etc... http://i.imgur.com/AWirxNv.jpg
  15. A friend of mine made an alliance character got the golden king guild mount and learned it on the fun server... got it on her blood elf on horde... I did the same thing, didn't get it on my horde, how do I get them?
  16. Hello everyone :) so I know that everybody knows that specific battleground queues do not work, I'm hereby wondering if it's going to get fixed anytime soon, queuing into our favorite battlegrounds is always a fun thing to do, I think we all agree on that one. :)
  17. Yes but, jewelcrafting mounts are now craftable, hopefully they will make sky golem craftable in the next few months, it's like my favorite mount and since I'm a multiboxer, multiply 250 by 15 times, now that's a lot of bonuses I won't be able to afford using my debit card...
  18. Hi Jæmie, can you answer the damn skype I need your help I deleted my character by mistake an hour ago... It's bonex btw and guys tis is legit I won 800 bonuses from it (mogs and mount)
  19. Simple story: I multibox it's hard to see which characters I'm deleting since the clients get's resized... deleted my main Bonexa on the fun server an orc death knight, why do I have to pay for it? I'm really sad :c I worked on it for like few months now (mogs mounts gear etc..)
  20. So there's this bug that is in pandawow... a priest that pulls u while levitated in the air makes you fly slowly and makes u look like ur fly hacking... my friend did it on me and she thinks it's a joke (prolly is to her) and some guy was infront of me checking me I'm suspecting that his taking pictures, so before the report comes, you have the knowledge of what happend.
  21. I believe so revival dispells magic so, why? what does that have to do with it? There's still no way u can hit that much with unstable affliction, I've revived in another Isle of Conquest and didn't get hit by it at all (Made sure I was next to a lock and I did that right before I reported him)
  22. Name of the violator: Juice Realm: Fun Description: In Isle of Conquest, this hacker was using a damage hack, we all know there is no way you can hit for 170k-250k unstable affliction. Proof: http://i.imgur.com/L0ZTYqS.jpg http://i.imgur.com/gF9cxYy.jpg
  23. Name of violator: Darsky Realm: Fun server Description: The violator was being racist as shown in the screenshot below he was talking to a horde player friend "Drazner". please don't bring your shit to a video game, we have enough racism in this world already. Proof: http://i.imgur.com/88COHhs.jpg
  24. eyal741


    Don't forget in the groups the delay between inviting people, it's infuriating to have to wait 5 seconds to invite again... like really, why is that even there.
  25. Good guy, +1 if I have a voice in this, deserves chat mod and if you get promoted, I hope you treat everyone as they should to make pandawow a better place, a better server.
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