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Everything posted by Bloodcage

  1. mage - russian 3k retail glad mage rogue - russian 3k retail glad rogue paladin - russian 3k retail glad pala hunter - russian 3k retail glad hunter shaman - russian 3k retail glad shamy monk - russian 3k retail glad monk druid - russian 3k retail glad druid warlock - russian 3k retail glad lock warrior - russian 3k retail glad warrior dk - russian 3k retail glad dk priest - russian 3k retail glad priest KAPPA!
  2. Thug life wannabe?
  3. Maybe, in what patch did you buy my shaman cuz i had 2 shamans,one was on 5.4.8 and other was on 5.4.2?
  4. No need... just by checking his videos showed me his "skills".
  5. Twigger 3.1k? hahahahahhahahahahahahhahaha
  6. He should contact his ISP.
  7. So much virginity power... Noneed dude no need for you to step and fall on his lvl. Bazz does he have your IP and is your IP static or dynamic?
  8. If they add all missing rares and set respawn time to max 30 min would make so many ppl happy, we will not see legendary cloaks on x10/x100 cuz they need to fix all SoO and that will take time so...
  9. Same thing with titles for last season. xD
  10. Yes but do you even think they will fix that much?
  11. So best way to add it would be on web shop for bonuses tho it would not be fair since players on fun realm can get it for conq points.
  12. But i don't understand, they added it on fun realm wich is pvp only realm, item that is for pve and they even make it doesn't proc in world pvp so it totally useless but it could help on x10/x100 since there is more and more pve guilds.
  13. Will legendary cloak be added ingame on x10/x100 or on web shop since you added it on fun realm and we on x10/x100 can't get it cuz legendary quest chain is not working?
  14. It should proc in world same as legendary meta gem. ps. i may be not correct since this was start of 5.4 patch so it could be change.
  15. How nice, they added legendary cloak wich doesn't work in pvp on fun realm wich is all about pvp and x10/x100 players can't get it to use it in pve since quests are not working... great job pwow! :crazy:
  16. Whoever plays my shaman, plz, change name. It's dumb to see my alts name. xD
  17. 1. Farmplebs 2. x100 3. Double 90lvl talent as shown on ss. 4. http://imgur.com/KbQ77zg http://imgur.com/RdPcMUi
  18. Specify the following: 1. Bilinni 2. x100 3. rude lenguage 4. http://i.imgur.com/Nv6koHj.jpg
  19. 1. Makyu 2. X100 3. hunter crit pet exploit (enough said) 4. http://i.imgur.com/4BC04Au.jpg
  20. This is just dumb, every brainless person is now playing affli/rshamy cuz it is OP as hell. Why? Because affli does so much dmg plus shamy can't get oom. NERF AFFLI LOCK OR RIOT! NERF AFFLI LOCK OR RIOT! NERF AFFLI LOCK OR RIOT!
  21. @Repitchx That would be awesome, pwow stuff thinks they will reduce number of hackers but in the it's same. every day is like hacker festival and tmorph would make at least 50% of server happy.
  22. I got exalted doing that long time ago but still good guide for ppl who don't know. How did you transmog your weapon to look like shadowmourne?
  23. Race: Human monk (female) Ilvl: 523 (s15 weapon) Spec: mw Name: Bloodcagelul
  24. How much?
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