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  1. Нельзя ли снизить стоимость до 50-ти бонусов? А то 332 бонуса - это как-то многовато.
  2. http://db.pandawow.me?item=31554
  3. http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=27543 Doesn't seem to drop, add this one please.
  4. http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=18409/mooncloth-gloves Add those ones, please. Need them for transmorgification, recipe isn't avaiable, alternative model is looted from chests that do not seem to work...
  5. http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=49788/cold-sweat-grips doesn't seem to drop after around 30 runs of Forge of Souls on Normal and 7-8 runs on Heroic difficulties, add this one as well, please.
  6. Add http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=65994/staff-of-athena, please. I need it for transmog, as there're no good alternatives. It's easy to get in-game through quest, however I had server-side problems which prevented me from getting this staff. I asked it to be fixed, but got no response: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=83479 Also add please http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=50268, http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=50427 (non-Heroic)
  7. Хотелось бы увидеть в ЛК http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=31553. Рарник не работает корректно, к сожалению.
  8. elven12

    Matron Li-sahar

    1. Name of not working spell/quest/npc etc Matron Li-sahar (also Solus the Eternal, Trelopades) [ATTACH=CONFIG]66543[/ATTACH] 2.Description of the problem. She is friendly to players. 3.How it must work. She's supposed to be hostile to players. 4.Date when you tested it. December 14, 2014 5.Realm (x100/x10/Fun) -10x 6.Priority of the problem. 4/10 I guess fixing it isn't too hard though, isn't it?
  9. Barvinok - Blood Elf Disc priest that was my main, it has 7.4k achievement points (and around 25 titles), lots of transmog, lots of tailoring recipes, also Glacial Mantle (50 bonuses) and Crown of Endless Winter (150 bonuses). It has crit disc build, no spirit. 2x2 Rating is around 1680. Ench/Tailoring 600/600 Capped Эльф Крови, жрец послушания, которым я мейнил, у него 7.4к ачивпоинтов (и около 25 званий), много транса, хорошо вкачанная портняга, также плечо за 50 бонов и голова за 150. Забилжен в критодисца, духа нет. 2х2 рейт около 1680. Наложение чар/Портняга 600/600 Кап отбит Берёзочка - Blood Elf Fury warrior has nothing notable, she has Blood Knight transmog and fair share of BS recipes, also she can smelt dark iron. BS/Mining 600/600 Not capped Эльф крови, воин-фурик, в принципе ничего необычного, транс рыцаря крови, вкачанная кузнечка, может плавить тёмное железо. Кузнечка/горка 600/600 Кап не отбит Zapalnychka - Blood Elf Frost mage with 2 transmog sets: Kirin Tor and pirate (which has First Mate Hat = 50 bonuses). She's got Archaeology 535 and vial of sands recipe learnt, 1 vial in bags and enough mats for a couple more. Alchemy/Herbalism 600/600 Not capped Эльф крови-фрост маг с двумя трансами: маг Кирин Тора и пират (со шляпой первого помошника за 50 бонов). Есть вкачаная археология с рецом на фиал. Алхимка/Травка 600/600 Кап не отбит Вопросы и предложения в пм Извините за вопиющую безграмотность:crazy:
  10. 1. Zapalnychka 2. Мут за мат 3. 9:49 4. На 120 минут 5. не вижу нарушения, хотелось бы пруф 6. - Мат был, мут остается.
  11. Problem isn't solved so far, would like to up it.
  12. Greetings. I've completed The Treasure of the Shen'dralar quest, received the reward (Staff of Athen'a), then server dropped. When I logged back in 5 minutes, I didn't find the reward in my backpack, yet quest was considered to be completed,as it was absent on my quests log, and I couldn't pick it up again from the quest giver. Would love to receive the quest reward to my character. Server x10 Character name Barvinok P.S. Excuse me if this's wrong forum, however quest is working, it's server side issue.
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