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  1. 1. Sdfvbgsfdvb 2. Fun 3. FlyHack & speedhack in Arathi BG 4. http://i.imgur.com/wI7PkZa.jpg
  2. Well, I paid unban because I think it is a good server and as nothing is perfect may have errors. I just hope it does not happen again. Regards.
  3. The character is Aspergon and I believe yesterday. 3 I have put macros are (sorry por the language macros in spanish): -BURST- /cast Alma oscura: Inestabilidad /cast Estragos /cast Fuego y azufre /cast Horror sangriento -HEALING- /tar Aspergon /cast Regeneración oscura /cast Piedra de salud /cast Resguardo crepuscular /cast Resolución inagotable /cast Transfusión de ascuas /cast Horror sangriento FASTWORGEN /cast Huida Oscura /cast Huida Oscura /cast Huida Oscura LLUVIA /cast lluvia de fuego /cast lluvia de fuego /cast lluvia de fuego ---- When pressed on the keyboard pressed at a rate of 800 times per second. Can it have something to do speed? He was using the latest macro when it happened. It was my character in Serpentshrine Cavern Greetings and I hope your answer and sorry for my bad english.
  4. Hi. a while ago I was in a dungeon as my keyboard (Logitech G110) I power my repetitive macro automatically disconnects me from the server and the control panel tells me I used hack. Since when a server can not spend automacros a keyboard? Do I have to wait 30 days for a macro pressing too fast? I hope your answer.
  5. Name player: (See image, i 'dont speak russian) Realm: PandaWoW x10 Context: This player has been all the arena in the pipe without lowering the tube, preventing the sand do (see the sand heal reduction in 10 minutes), this action is not allowed in this type of sand. Only my pet could hit the player. Evidence: http://i.imgur.com/v2SFcYv.jpg Greetings.
  6. 1.- Player name: i don't known copy russian text, see image 2.- Realm: PandaWoW x10 3.- Reason: insulting in arena, threatening to ban 4.- Evidence: http://i.imgur.com/pAduAei.jpg Regards.
  7. Yes, today it seems to work. It would be a temporary problem, as I yesterday repair the character and erased the errors and cache folders and remained the same. As it works, that an administrator close this post to avoid confusion.
  8. 1. spell name : http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=114108/soul-of-the-forest 2. How it works : when a rejuvenation and Swiftmend is applied, the speed of the next spell is reduced by 100%. For example, if you performed rejuvenation 1.34 what should I do in 0.67 seconds. 3. How it is bugged : the spell does not reduce the cast in 100%. In my case only 1.34 reduces to 1.22 seconds, should reduce it to 0.67 seconds. It's very important for resto druid. 4. Tested in : 10/01/2015 | Server x10 5. Stat priotity 10/10
  9. This system is when one player is standing long time. The 2 were alive at the time of the battle. It should have been a draw after 20 minutes.
  10. Accused persons: Muertito and Samhein Details: We were in arenas when this hunter and his companion we used a hack damage to kill instantly. Here I show as evidence of my screen and my fellow arenas. Server: PandaWoW x10 Evidence: - Image 1 (my computer): http://i.imgur.com/eMjFMjJ.jpg - Image 2 (My partner's computer): http://i.imgur.com/f3es0Xv.jpg Greetings.
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