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Everything posted by Kronoxxz

  1. Well, nothing much. Just that, the player must click an Orb to enter Blackwing Lair, and it doesn't work in this server (At least in Fun realm) I'm totally hoping that you fix this. Please. Regards.
  2. That's epically, totally unfair.
  3. Doesn't work for me. I Did everything as indicated to kill that god damn boss, but it's bugged, totally bugged...
  4. Hola, Buenas, tengo este pequeño problema. No puedo reiniciar estancias con mi Hunter. Entré a Black Temple, se buggeó en cierta parte, quise salir para reiniciarla, y seguia igual, los elites/jefes que habia matado, seguian muertos, no importa cuantas veces le de a Reiniciar todas las estancias, o use el comando /script ResetInstances (); no sirve de nada. Necesito reiniciar Black temple y volverlo a pasar, alguna solucion? Saludos.
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