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  1. Multiboxing is an art. Try it sometime. It's not as easy as it may look!
  2. It works on my DK as well and really shouldn't need a fix because it was never intended to be used twice in a row anyway it was just a glitch!
  3. Maybe they are just leaving because your guild is no good?
  4. Don't really understand what you are reporting? Paladins do have healing spells regardless of which spec they use....
  5. Your report is not in the correct format to mute for spamming. Although multiboxing is allowed, it is impossible to do in arena or bg because the follow function is disabled! As in your report and we can all see in the screen shots, the player was multi boxing in world not instanced PvP.
  6. ban hammer!
  7. Your reasoning is silly. If it lags outside Org... wait for it... GO SOMEWHERE ELSE! There is no reason to have instanced 1v1 PvP. Duels are duels and nothing more! They don't deserve CP or arena rating and just give another way of exploiting and win trading. Arenas are about team work!
  8. http://media.giphy.com/media/oHJ4GxbL4W5Wg/giphy.gif
  9. hmmmm i didnt know saying someone's ethnicity was offensive?
  10. 1. Name of not working spell/quest/npc etc -[NPC] Degu = Gumi [ATTACH=CONFIG]66074[/ATTACH] 2.Description of the problem. -There shouldn't be an auctioneer in Shrine of Seven Stars 3.How it must work. -There shouldn't be an auctioneer in Shrine of Seven Stars 4.Date when you tested it. -December 9, 2014 5.Realm (x100/x10/Fun) -100x 6.Priority of the problem. - 5/10 -This NPC was here before the update and is still here. There isn't an auctioneer and Horde's temple and there shouldn't be one in Alliance's temple either!
  11. I use to use tons off addons to configure my bags, unit frames, buffs/debuffs, map, nameplates, etc. i found that in Goldpaw's GUI 3.0 (http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/gui-v3/813576) It does all the work for me and is still easily customizable! http://media-curse.cursecdn.com/attachments/56/774/11c421312c57145eedbab91bd1b766c9.jpg http://media-curse.cursecdn.com/attachments/56/775/e6036a8f9d28541fd7942288fe5cf1c2.jpg
  12. Finally downloaded the full client with the WoD models pre installed and it works like a charm. I can see that there are leechers who do not share back! I had 3 other peers finish the download around the same time I did and immediately drop the torrent. The only way torrents like this stay alive is by seeding! The way I see it, you have the entire file on your PC anyway to play the game, the least you can do is seed the torrent when you are not playing wow!
  13. So I decided to try and download the full client with the updated WOD models that's posted in http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=103355&highlight=models and there are no seeds? I am currently downloading at 190 kB/s and connected to 3/8 peers but no seeders? My current ETA is 5 weeks. How are we supposed to download a torrent with no seeders?
  14. lol you are both idiots. When you post stupid shit like "you have to fix this" ofc assholes like myself are going to troll you. All I was stating was that they don't HAVE to do anything and demanding that they do so isn't going to get you anywhere! Then to come back at me with don't speculate makes absolutely no sense at all I didn't speculate anything. As far as having no life and trolling around the forums, I haven't played or even checked the forums in months so I have no idea wtf you are talking about? If you want a 100% working server with minimal or no lag spend the 15 bucks a month. If you want to be a cheap ass and not pay for it, this is what you get. You get a server with devs who work on the server for free and at their own leisure not devs who are paid to do so. Panda doesn't have tons of devs who their job is to type millions of line of command code. Lag? IDK? I haven't logged on since July so I have no idea if there is lag? If there is it's not always server side and there may be nothing they can do about it? idk? I never replied to just be an asshole other then to express that you will get more bees with honey. Demanding shit from a free service just makes you look like a douche and a whiny little bitch! All I ever see on here is people complaining. If you are complaining that means you're not having fun. It's a game if you're not having fun then why bother?
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