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Everything posted by duzurix

  1. No its not..... It should knock ppl with cc too ( for example protecting frozen traps with explosive is bullshi but it works greatly on this realm coz scattered guy dont get knock) Realm : 100x ... Prio 11/10 making hunter gods just like ring of frost making mages gods..
  2. in 5.4 is stormbolt main PVE! single target ability for fury warriors :) should do more than 2m damage on bosses (off +main) ..that 500% or quadruple boost shouldnt work against players... u rly dont have idea about it if u begging for "fixing" this agains ppl --->IK
  3. ? :shock: i just tell u why :D gladiator mounts are unique rewards ONLY FOR CHAR WHERE U REACH GLADIATOR RATING IN ARENAS....they are not shared...its only on char where u get him...same with r1 titles or arena titles ...that is how it works
  4. cp cap increasing start at 1500 :good:
  5. Gladiator mounts are reward only for char where u get the gladiator rat :) ... glad mounts didnt work as a acc share :)
  6. My three Beauties. xD [ATTACH=CONFIG]46516[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]46517[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]46518[/ATTACH]
  7. 1.Thegamesz 2.100x realm 3. flyhack 4. [ATTACH=CONFIG]45317[/ATTACH]
  8. 1.Триполи 2.100x 3.Today we meet two "buggers" in arena. Druid +war ... they have tooooooooo many armor both i do 2k slams into druid 8k mortal 2k overpower....we just fight for 20min trying for tide but after 20 min they got buff "crow choose you" +1000% and oneshot bot of us ...100x realm :mad::mad: 4.[ATTACH=CONFIG]40661[/ATTACH] they bot using that thing .. but i dindt catch war name on scr sry :( .. do that in many games not only 1
  9. Today we meet two "buggers" in arena. Druid +war ... they have tooooooooo many armor both i do 2k slams into druid 8k mortal 2k overpower....we just fight for 20min trying for tide but after 20 min they got buff "crow choose you" +1000% and oneshot bot of us ...100x realm :mad::mad:[ATTACH=CONFIG]40453[/ATTACH]
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