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Everything posted by minpojke

  1. I see you are tryharding that 2s ....what about 3s . if i can count how many times did u lose against me lul so cute this server still has tryhard players like you.
  2. Declined,Too hard to fix.
  3. rofl this bug is like 1min to fix it but looks like for them its really hard to fix ,rip this shit server
  4. I bet you are wintrading too like the others to get your titles rofl,wintrading 2s :mocking:
  5. playin 2s on a broken server 24/7 ^ :cry::cry: :mocking:
  6. ppl still playing this game?:confused: :confused:
  7. abu you fuckin wintrader asshole
  8. #triggered
  9. I can farm akuyama if you want.... :angel: :angel:
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IynrTfEAGHU spread the love boysss #ddosonpandawow
  11. #exposed? dont be mad broski cuz u have to ddos on pandawow.....not suprised,i'll make a video for you cuz if i send the date when i took the pics you will say its photoshop.
  12. Please just dont trigger this kid ,he'll spam this all day lol
  13. still checkin forums? what you talking about i just miss typed something and this shit popped up and i have to post this to make you rage but this was my last respond to you ,as i know you you'll spam this shit with your useless comments,so please just go reddit or somewhere else and spam there thanks.
  14. LOL fake screens i can show you when did take this picture if you want. Also im not even playing here why would i rage on him,i dont get your logic,but i see you insta respond to my post Dennis #pandawowlife#=nolife
  15. http://imgur.com/gWE1BtL if you think akuyama's friend ddosin you http://imgur.com/LOMk7yC he tried to ddos me long time ago cuz i farmed him rip old picture but hes the best ddoser if he gets angry :shock::shock::shock:
  16. minpojke

    TOP 2v2

    dk resto ofc Kappa
  17. Dennis Forster? [ATTACH=CONFIG]114242[/ATTACH]
  18. loool fatneed 2.2k retail exp so pro
  19. I tell you now whats your video about : you recorded that you ddosed Pelicanx and you wrote that he alt f4 and he abused something,Now that kenny guy made a video too he alt f4 too in arena he left instantly but in your both video where you recorded pelicanx and esko it was lagged out didnt logged out instantly so it was a lagg not alt f4 ,Its like you are pressed Exit ,if you press Exit you instantly got out of game ..so ? WHat kind of alt f4 is that if you are still in game when you already pressed that combination ? So funny..Accept that they are both better than you and leave your shit to yourself because nobody cares it and I already said the GMS can see the logs if they are did that or not so
  20. What does it mean like : prepare the booster for kiwi ? How can you say that its not ddos when oyu ddosing the whole srv to not get owned? LOL you are on skype and hes talkin in chat but he also said that on chat : Are you prepared for kiwi? So you are using it too proofed that you are ddoser,LOL rekt
  21. They didn't alt-f4, they got dossed by Noneedruid and dc'ed(He did this video on purpose trying to get them banned by dossing them the gm can check the logs too.I love how he hates them because he cant beat them..So logical ,if you cant beat him lets ddos and make a fake post about them.. Haters gonna hate. Noneed and his partner talkin about to DDoS kiiwii,They ddosed with this thing pelicanx and anacondax too ,should watch the video too if you dont believe . Big fail on his own stream: No ddos ofc http://imgur.com/cfzwUAa http://imgur.com/wRU5JTm And noneed you doesnt have to make 2accounts to report them ,why can you do it by your own account ? http://imgur.com/JFYReaN
  22. Oh dwarik clicker arrived :) I'll que up and farm you to th death my servant dog!
  23. LOL,Evil logic,how came to you that im Absolute ? SRSLY? TELL ME !
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