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Everything posted by Dryanustwo

  1. you are so weak at arguing :D there are your buffs in the video , you did not have a single damage reduction on you when i used my cd-s :D
  2. 1. Nick offender : http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-1-53996.html (Dwarikqq) and http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-1-461829.html (Rasstlesnake) 2. Gaming world, where you have observed the violation : PandaWoW X100 3. Exact description of the infringement : Druid Armor bug abuse ... (note : Deep Wounds ignores armor .... and it does more damage than my Slam) 4. Proof: Here is the proof , a full match against them .. i focused on only going for the druid so i could fraps this I demand from you to remove both their rating just like you did with Absolutezero without reason( tho he wasnt using any bug but his partner did, yet both of them got their rating removed) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kNhhBSoKU-E&feature=youtu.be "Translated" : . 1 Ник преступник: http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-1-53996.html (Dwarikqq) и http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-1-461829. HTML (Rasstlesnake) . 2 Играющий мир, где вы наблюдали нарушение: PandaWoW X100 . 3 Точное описание нарушения: злоупотребление ошибка Друид Броня ... (примечание: Глубокие раны игнорирует броню .... и это приносит больше вреда, чем мой Slam) 4 Доказательство. Вот доказательство, полный матч против них .. я сосредоточена на только собирается для друида, чтобы я мог Fraps это Я требую от вас, чтобы удалить как их рейтинг, как вы сделали с Absolutezero без причины (хотя он не был с помощью любого ошибка, но его партнер сделал, но оба они получили их рейтинг удалены)
  3. Hey guys ! I wanted to report these 2 ppl : http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-1-53996.html (Dwarikqq) and http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-1-461829.html (Rasstlesnake) for abusing the druid armor bug ! Here is the proof , a full match against them .. i focused on only going for the druid so i could fraps this I demand from you to remove both their rating just like you did with Absolutezero without reason( tho he wasnt using any bug but his partner did, yet both of them got their rating removed) (note : http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=115767 ignores armor .... and it does more damage than my http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=1464 :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D :appl: ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kNhhBSoKU-E&feature=youtu.be
  4. 1. Name: GENERAL Drinking /but mostly : http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=81923 / http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=80618 2. Description of the problem: They are filling up Mana TOO FAST ... 2 sec 100k mana 4 sec 200k mana instead of 300k mana /20 seconds IF you use drink every 2 seconds (even if you sit down and drink only 1 , it will still fill up your mana to max way more faster than it should ) Video Recorded on Pandawow (2014/06/01) 3.How it must work:It should work just as it does in the following video that i recorded on RETAIL (2014/06/01) 4.Date when you tested it: 2014/06/01) 5.Realm : x100/x5/Fun 6.Priority of the problem. (10)
  5. go and play warrior and get high rated , we'll see how you manage to that :D btw check the top 50 ... there are like 4 warriors ..... "IQ 0 charge+bs fullcd class now." - sure thing for 1500 players :D same as elemental shaman
  6. tho you called me silly , you know what ? Silly is the same as idiot :D so basically you called me the same .... i dont insult russians , russians are great ppl and i love the server , i insult only ppl who deserve it (like you : /) /btw you also got banned , so dont come with this btw what rating are you on ? 1500 ?
  7. making your own server and teleporting to emerald dream by gm teleport is agains the rules.... it has to be taken on our server
  8. lel you can cry all you want , but this guild has the best ppl anyways, its a shame you cant get in cuz you are so bad : / i understand that you are jealous
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