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  1. ^^this! I've tested the spells/dmg on dummies a million times (and players) enh works fine! these people need to srsly learn their class.
  2. how so? I'm not the one QQing about warriors, because of a lack of arena experience or class knowledge for that matter. :rofl_mini:
  3. whole lot of anger towards warriors. If you're getting 1 shot at high mmr 2s/3s against a war or double dps comp then you need to go back and learn your class. Most importantly, you and your teammate(s) have no clue how to use your defensive/crowd control spells effectively to survive a burst and then counter. You have had a bad experience doing arena and you follow that up with generalizing the majority of the pvp community here with negative remarks about their "skill" level. If you think of yourself as some sort of elitist then by all means go ahead and focus on AT more than you play here: Unless you guys are 1500 players that QQ on LFG yourself? Side comment, I reroll/recreate classes all the time on AT and find myself beating 2800+ players at 2200 rating without much difficulty. The point is that there are good and bad players in every bracket, at every rating, in every server, and every realm. Stop blaming the server for your inability to do competitive pvp in arenas. Take a note from the community leader boards on us/eu WoW and take the time to learn your class. nuff said.
  4. You can't prove any of the claims you just made. I question your intelligence for such comments as, "80% of the population are spanish talking people?" I don't know why your English failed there. Furthermore, your very last comment about the skill level being inferior to others is a racist comment. I'm going to assume you know the ethnic background of every high rated player? Reported you for your ignorance.
  5. everything sold except DK! Name is Tankdc check him out
  6. sold all my mains on alliance and gave lead to a friend in Dust Thou Even Hoist, but I have an old full honor geared war with some griev pieces (included wep) in the guild if you ever have an extra spot in your premade. ps. I rec only joining bgs with a group of 4 so that you don't wait 30min-1hour+ for 1 bg que. let me know if you're down! Oh and I play 3's spec and mainly focus a lot on chain CC around healers, dps, focus targets, etc. so you can have most of the kills haha
  7. BUmp Ret and Mage sold. Almost full griev DK for 250 still. half griev Geared Hunter with Tabard of the Lightbringer still 250 or 275 now with the increase in price? Dont know off the top of my head.
  8. that pet scale bug. you play BM i'm guessing? On a side note, pls tell me more on how your dmg is not bugged? 1 shot 5 players in a single burst..yup that's normal. i wish i had skill :**(
  9. bumping still need help
  10. bump still need help
  11. "I'm trying to get into pandawow but with no luck. I've tried doing some switching from my real wow, and downloading to the same client from other mop server, but i srsly dont know what i'm doing wrong. can anyone please help me with a step by step instruction on how to get it to work? For the sake of it being easy and not too complicated you can tell me how to get it to work starting from either downloading an entirely new client or what to do with my existing real wow folder. Thank you :***************(" basically this. anyone with a mac can help me?
  12. I'm trying to get into pandawow but with no luck. I've tried doing some switching from my real wow, and downloading to the same client from other mop server, but i srsly dont know what i'm doing wrong. can anyone please help me with a step by step instruction on how to get it to work? For the sake of it being easy and not too complicated you can tell me how to get it to work starting from either downloading an entirely new client or what to do with my existing real wow folder. Thank you :***************(
  13. Full griev and either Orc or Dwarf (prefer whichever faction has a lower population) since there's an update for prideful coming + I sold my very own full griev mage with glad tabard for 250, I'm only willing to pay 250 for it :) Be kind and sell it for a price that'll make another person happy if you've already moved on with that class/character. Thank you, reply here. ps: if you have professions, gems, enchants, that would be a plus for me.
  14. Sold my 2600-2800 fire mage from malv season with glad tabard + PvE set for 250. Sellers have really no choice in the matter if they want to make a profit before update. The value of a fully geared character decreases every day we get closer to prideful update. You sadly can't monopolize a character that has an increasing diminishing value as the month ends. In addition, there's plenty of sellers and not many buyers. In other words...our willingness to buy controls to market. Update might be anytime soon so i'm sure someone is going to sell an enh sham asap if someone is willing to buy it. thanks though. I sadly dont have anything over 250 :(
  15. LF a Dran or Dwarf fully geared ENH shamy. 250 don't try to ask for a higher price.
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