whole lot of anger towards warriors. If you're getting 1 shot at high mmr 2s/3s against a war or double dps comp then you need to go back and learn your class. Most importantly, you and your teammate(s) have no clue how to use your defensive/crowd control spells effectively to survive a burst and then counter.
You have had a bad experience doing arena and you follow that up with generalizing the majority of the pvp community here with negative remarks about their "skill" level. If you think of yourself as some sort of elitist then by all means go ahead and focus on AT more than you play here: Unless you guys are 1500 players that QQ on LFG yourself? Side comment, I reroll/recreate classes all the time on AT and find myself beating 2800+ players at 2200 rating without much difficulty. The point is that there are good and bad players in every bracket, at every rating, in every server, and every realm. Stop blaming the server for your inability to do competitive pvp in arenas. Take a note from the community leader boards on us/eu WoW and take the time to learn your class. nuff said.