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About Lektzz

  • Birthday September 26

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Rookie (2/22)

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  1. Yesterday I downloaded WoW and played again, after almost a year, as always, joined bg and I just see noobs, I top dmg and ks and by this time I suck :crazy: Not sure if BG players aren't a bit skilled anymore or not playing made me god. BTW, Hi, if someone wants to do arenas anytime hit me up
  2. Hai, I was using a web but it's down now and I can't remember the codes of the races, perhaps someone have them? Tyvm
  3. De hecho, no, esos son los talentos que se usaban en este parche.
  4. Kappa cleave
  5. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=103873 en inglés pero sigue siendo una de las mejores guías que hay para la clase.
  6. Is it possible to buy the tome on the web store?
  7. dat music is so gay lmao ps: welcome back
  8. It's really fucked up for people with static ip (thanks god mine is dynamic). You could use two VPN's, also contact your network provider to change your IP.
  9. Name: Hims Realm: Fun Description: He used fly hack to move up there, so we were not able to kill him. http://i.imgur.com/XiJDGBB.jpg http://i.imgur.com/TcoPo32.jpg
  10. Realm: x100 Name: Aemos Description: He hit me for 65 million with 1 spell. http://i.imgur.com/44cFcY8.jpg
  11. Lektzz


  12. Keep recking ppl
  13. Kappa master
  14. Lektzz


    that mage is better warrior than swifty
  15. Lektzz


    #nerfmages2016plz http://i.imgur.com/0kEmuQN.jpg
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