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  1. hi i want to sell my itemlevel 550 human female mage "Aldare", got loads of transmogs such as heroic t11 from the website. i put it on the website for 550 bonuses :)
  2. Yrela


    Spellname: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=81749 How it should work: It should heal a friendly target for 90% of the damage dealt by the 3 Spells and if you crit its 90% of the critical damage dealt. How it currently works: Atonment is working, but if you Crit the healing stays normal like it was a common hit. Date tested: 09.07.2014 Server tested: PandaWoW 100x Priority: 8/10 , pretty important, since crits should increase the atonement healing by alot.
  3. Item name: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=138343 How it works currently: The ICD of the Proc is missing, which causes an endless spawn of Minions ( They cap at like 40 i guess ). How it should work: The Bonus should proc approximately 1.15 times per Minute. Realm tested: PandaWoW 100x Date tested: 07.07.2014 Priority: 5/10 or higher, because i want to use the items without abusing something. EDIT: The Minions dont cap at 40, they just disappear after 15 seconds.
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