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  1. Earlier today, I was in a BG, and I wanted to leave... So, I logged out while I was in the BG, then went to the website and pressed on repair Character. Then, When I went back to the game, it respawned me near by *Firelands raid* entrance; in Mount Hyjal.... So, I did repair the character again, and it teleported me to Origrimar, which is my true INN place. But, since then I cant QUEUE for BGs or ARENAS... at all.... My Character name is: Brofiston Please fix this issue because it is blocking me from gaming on the server, since am playing on FUN realm, and nothing to do there except PVP :( It is worth mentioning that I did donate to the server couple of weeks ago! Looking forward to hearing from you.
  2. shifos90

    Diffuse Magic

    1. Name of the spell: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=122783/diffuse-magic 2. How it works: First, it reduces the spell damage taken by 90%, then it reflects the dots back to their owner, thus, enemy will get 90% reduced DOTS... 3. How it should work: First, ,it should reflect the dots back to their owners, and then it reduces the spell damage taken by 90%. This spell is REALLY essintial for Monks vs spell casters, specially F-Mage, A-Locks, S-Priests and Boomies! their dots are so big, but when they get reflected they are just couple of hundreds in dmg... 4. Date: 12.4.2015 5. Realm: FUN 6. Priority: 10/10
  3. Hey there! I did forget my password, So, I clicked on "Forgot Password?" and wrote my email, and I received the following email. Hello, shifos90 You, or someone else, sent request to reset password. To confirm password resetting open link: http://cp.pandawow.ru/forgot/376106/...ad999987ad86e3 After that new password will be sent to you. I clicked on the link, it told me that an email will be sent to me with the new password! But the Email didn't arrive YET!... tried 5 times, but nothing yet come Plz fix it for me as I cant play on PandaWow anymore... :SS
  4. Hey there! I did forget my password, So, I clicked on "Forgot Password?" and wrote my email, and I received the following email. Hello, shifos90 You, or someone else, sent request to reset password. To confirm password resetting open link: http://cp.pandawow.ru/forgot/376106/...ad999987ad86e3 After that new password will be sent to you. I clicked on the link, it told me that an email will be sent to me with the new password! But the Email didn't arrive YET!... tried 5 times, but nothing yet come Plz fix it for me as I cant play on PandaWow anymore... :SS
  5. Hey there! I did forget my password, So, I clicked on "Forgot Password?" and wrote my email, and I received the following email. Hello, shifos90 You, or someone else, sent request to reset password. To confirm password resetting open link: http://cp.pandawow.ru/forgot/376106/7e405432e3f3f87592ca77bac8ad999987ad86e3 After that new password will be sent to you. I clicked on the link, it told me that an email will be sent to me with the new password! But the Email didn't arrive YET!... tried 5 times, but nothing yet come :( Plz fix it for me as I cant play on PandaWow anymore... :SS
  6. What about Dual Wielding?? Still bugged?? Dancing steel??? Can you get double proc??? Does it proc much often??
  7. http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=122280 Is bugged as well, as it is affected by http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=134735 , its healing gets reduced by 60% while in pvp, which is incorrect!
  8. In my Opinion, it is bugged because of http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=134735 it reduces the Healing and Absorb by 60%... Which means, it decreases the Absorption of Karma by 60% as well as Healing Elixirs by 60%, which is not correct!
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