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  1. Realm:fun is so fun Reason:wallhack Name:Opps i know you declined this but i play this game a loot of years is called wallhack no can atack this dude
  2. Real:FUN Reason:Abuse in respawn area Name:LOVESEXDRUGS the most autistic name of the game i think
  3. You an your mates are the most riiculous noob players you can se in this game i know you have other vision of the game for the trash you smoke whats shit you smoke kid glue
  4. e noned virgin kid i have a question for you why me pennnis is allways erected in the morning why you follow me all treads why you are so ridiculoyus and easy why you use this retards noned names no have brain for made decen names or whats hahahahahaha think give me a fuk your think poor german retard live in 1 of the most racist and bad countrys of this world serius boses coold and darkneds days and serius peoel why germans are allways serius why you are drunked in your fukin room whjy you are patetic noob loser and no have 1 fukin girl in your autistic liife pls im so interesting ask pls - - - Updated - - - why you on fire autistic virgin rat 92 views im pretty sure win 200 views in this tread jajajajajaja
  5. and you are trash hahaha continus pls i love haters im pretty sure you are other rage noob reckted for me many times say teh name of your nooobs caracters pls
  6. i lost allways for helers no helers horde win allways horde players are the best players of warcraft kid se im farmed jajaja 13 days played in me rogue here and have 41148 kills yes yes im farmed all days here you are other frustated rage noob try harding me nos e 1 fukin rogue in pandawow made a problem for me in 1 vs 1 nobody all run of me in 1 sv 1 all kids
  7. farmed me sure jjajajajjaajaja i farm kids in all games you think im bad play a duel vs me is 1 of the reason for nobody here duel me and all try harding me and fail 5 vs 1 is amazing the autims you have e bro tell me whats fukin pays games you have i have a loot 2 fukin hard drives full of pay games you think im new in games and you are the only new here virgin kid i farme administrator r1 and glads in all games ima true anty hero player and no have autims
  8. other tip i reckted a loot of this noobs r1 like rats in bgs 1 vs 1 and the most amazing is no need wasted many shit i know any 1 here give a fuk me thinks but i think the same of all retards play this ridiculous delay bug servers first for you no can play here similar to retail and all this players win many arenas for dampering no have 1 skill team in this shit ranks all play healers in the teams and the kings of 2 vs 2 are two dps fake noobs and fake server 0 work mechanicks 0 skill players full boters and pqr players give me a fuk your tread your skill and your game
  9. im so bored of you all retards try harding me all days here an this bug server im out of this shitt monts ago star playing again and the 2 ban i heat for spam and no is spam most like iis the ban i eat for MR Bukarastik try harding me feral vs rhesto shaman 10 m o more on the fukin respawn and in the finsh i dead for the mana say to me you noob and i say and you trash and the game disconected me and eat 30 days ban today the same say why rusiaan drink vodka why mishul never dies why pointars never lost and eat 30 days in 2 acounts for spam rofl but dont worry give me a fuk the bans in games idiot im baned in all fukin games for play well i understand perfect is the nature of humanity por arbort only need se your patetic roll in this game and you thinik are good and you are other casual retard in this game and your aim skill is ridculous you no have idea of me skill in fps games retard on long range por german kid is 1 of the reasons for you no plaay duels never and your rank players the saame this server is the most ridculous rank arena server i se in pirates in 9 years of wow use google traslate i talk 3 idioms perfect englishs is me 4 you no understand this shit give me a fukin shit bye por noobs iim leave of ths sht no more rusian servers im back to the only good pirate server i se a 3.3.5 the real arena bgs pvp server - - - Updated - - - dont thinik you are good for have 2700 in 3 vs 3 o aany here for stay in the 30 top on 2 vs 2 3 vs 3 rel skill players play world pvp 3 vs 1 arenas 1 vs 2 you o any 1 here stay a years of liight of a real wow skill legend player you are new here idot you no have idea of the skill players s e in retail years ago and the skill is e in many games true legends of games and any 1 play pirate servers you think you are good made a video this is the real skill - - - Updated - - - you think is easy o any 1 here is easy buy bf4 and try made this shots
  10. e noned im chekinig your twitch nice overwhats autistic skill you think you impresed me o any one in this server like you play a priest heal in retail only and you think are good warrior and no have a shit rating on warrior in retail reading this poor autistic bag virgn shiiit you need profs first year of bf4 im 18 of the world in the ifv rank no play bf1 bf5 no like are shit for me you no have idea the aim skill i have in fps games poor retard kid jajajaja this comunty suck is rdiculous this server is finised the delay have the croos is amazing you need prof pro german noob go play 2 vs 2 on retail and get 2800 in a warrior on 2 v s 2 and made proof you need prof of me aim skill in fps games chek this screens por idiot im baned all days in games for the skill retard first screen 130 1 and me team lost for 3000 tikets im raped in the red zone and have 32 players in the enemy team try kill me in full laser guide weapons all time you no have idea of the hard is survivor vs laser weapons in bf4 have more you need more screens autistic virgn kid and ban screens baned for tbags and suspicos shit hacks lol fukin humanity is full of madiautistic players in games
  11. noned im baned again me 2 acounts for smap and no is smap im scared so so scared for the easy you are go write a email to me and log your mague go duel i record the duel for upload here write a email to me in 30 days i playing a 3,3,5 server atm go duel im feared dude atm so so feared have shitt in me pants hahahaha - - - Updated - - - no is bug afli here dude im the afly warlock maldastorm is playing destro and run of the respawn of me in 1 vs 1 and no have stone pet bufs rofl is patetic this server of noobs noned is so easy is the reason for rank players never play duels here
  12. can you chek this rat kid player hackin here 2 years o more all fukin days rogue teleporting dont say made proof no is easy made proof vs a rogue teleporter https://cp.pandawow.ru/es/armory/char-3-6507166.html pls check this dude teleporting all days for escape fights and caping bases is a true cancer of this server permaban this players
  13. Realm:fun is so fun Reason:teleport hack Names:Zyaan and Dreadme Proof ban this trash players no is the first time permaban this noobs pls is best for this server [imgur](https://i.imgur.com/aWSpktX.jpg) - - - Updated - - -
  14. best fukin warlock pandawow style real players find 3 vs 1 no 5 vs 1
  15. i understand the reason for you play on premades and need 3 monks in your ass destro vs afli and you run for the easy reck dude unistall the fukn wow you are ridculous idiot 1 of the reason for this server is dead stupid r1 glad trash noobs are garbage this dudes in 1 vs 1 is patetic ths shit of noobs
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