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  1. So , i was in bg with my fdruid in Fun realm and these guys came in[ATTACH=CONFIG]67823[/ATTACH] I see the picture is bad quality , so a mage named Jhamils used Arcane barrage on me ,and hit 401754 arcane damage plus 204482 overkill. Seems like hacking.
  2. The mount i would like to have most is the Spectral Gryphon because i like the gryphon mounts and i`d like to have it added to my collection and i have that Alliance pride :D char name is Yasuox on fun realm incase ure going to give it :)
  3. So , i was flying to goldshire and this undead lock one shotted me with fel flame. Proof ; [ATTACH=CONFIG]46457[/ATTACH] Again , this happened in fun realm. Obviously cant write the name of the lock , as it was asian.
  4. When i try to login , it says this ; [ATTACH=CONFIG]46246[/ATTACH] Account name HerraMursu Might this have connection to the crash of x100? i couldnt get in x100, then my wow crashed and couldnt login since.
  5. Pandawow Fun Fireagainyou Fly and speedhack [ATTACH=CONFIG]44344[/ATTACH] and here from bg [ATTACH=CONFIG]44345[/ATTACH]
  6. One had a chinese name , obviously i cant write it. Screenshots [ATTACH=CONFIG]43251[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]43252[/ATTACH] As i didnt post their nicknames , i dont mean to get these particular people banned. My intensions (clearly) simply are to get you mods and admins to do something about this and not drink vodka. I expected more from you and from this community.
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