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  1. Problem Applies to Fun Realm aswell.
  2. Furmetal, you gotta use an addon or something to show the windfury damage much more easier. I don't think the dev's have the time to be looking through combat log and using calculator to add up damage =P
  3. Windwalk totem is working fine. No isues there. Purging and fire ele for sure don't work. Never use healing stream totem glyph because too many other better glyphs to choose from.
  4. s it possible for you to make another video, showing (Windfury MH with Flametongue OH) vs (Windfury OH with Flametongue MH), would allow dev's to clearly see the difference.
  5. 1. Spell - http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=134735/battle-fatigue 2. Problem - Battle Fatigue is being applied before combat and applied again during combat resulting in double battle fatigue. 3. How it should work - "Dealing damage to another player causes them to receive 60% less healing" - Taken from tooltip in the game 4. Date Tested - August 18th, 2015 5. Realm of Occurence - Fun Realm 6. Priority - 11/10 absolute importance, may also be game breaking if this bug also affected other classes. 7. Proof: See Attachments Below [ATTACH=CONFIG]89794[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]89795[/ATTACH] Hopefully this is proper format. I could not find any rules regarding format, so I took a template from a successful bug report. Hope this is much more clear for you Juster. Very sorry again for the poor format.
  6. 1. Spell -http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=33757/windfury and http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=78273/flametongue-weapon 2. Problem - Putting windfury weapon on main hand gives you off hand damage and putting flametongue on Off hand provides lava lash with main hand damage. 3. How it should work - Windfury weapon on main hand should do main hand damage, and flametongue weapon on off hand should provide lava lash the 40% extra damage for being on off hand. 4. Date Tested - August 18th, 2015 5. Realm of Occurence - Fun Realm 6. Priority - 11/10 absolute importance, may also be game breaking if this bug also affected other classes. 7. Proof: See Attachments Below [ATTACH=CONFIG]89789[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]89790[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]89791[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]89792[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]89793[/ATTACH] Video Proof:
  7. Enhancement Shaman's Main hand uses Off Hand to calculate Windfury and uses Off hand to calculate Main hand. In simpler terms. Whoever was in charge seemed to accidentally switch Main hand and Off Hand sides for Enhancement Shaman, which resulted in reduced Stormstrike, windfury, flametongue and lava lash damage. Thanks to the addon "ShamanFriend" I was able to catch this bug. It would list my MH windfury procs as off hand and list my OH windfury procs as Main Hand. Also when flametongue was in off hand it was doing less damage than it was if it was in Main hand. All these coicendences lead to me believing and I know this is 100% true that they are bugged. I'm not sure if this bug applies to everyone in wow, which may also be why there were problems with shamans getting parried 90% of the time by dk, warriors and paladins. [ATTACH=CONFIG]89783[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]89784[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]89785[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]89786[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]89787[/ATTACH]
  8. [ATTACH=CONFIG]89779[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]89780[/ATTACH] In the first picture, battle fatigue is already placed on shaman at the start of a bg/arena/duel. Even though the trigger for battle fatigue requires you to take damage before hand. As you can see the healing is around 60% or less from what the tooltip suggested. In the 2nd picture, ontop of now having your healing reduced by 60% before a fight starts, once you get hit, battle fatigue triggers again resulting in another reduction in healing so it goes from 50k to 28k to 19k. Thus Enhancement is not able to sustain itself. The bug is also applied during critical heals as well.
  9. You know what I find funny? People are complaining of enhancement shamans elemental blast doing too much damage. I always tell that that they are stupid, because last patch mastery did not work for Enhancement shaman, and GMs never fixed it so people got used to thinking that enhancement shaman damage was like that. Now that enhancement is semi fixed with elemental damage + mastery people are thinking its bugged but its not. Also it seems that "Healing Surge" on elemental and enhancement shaman is bugged, enhancement with the glyph of maelstrom healing doesnt work, and both classes only heal for 20k out of combat and even less during combat. I have full grievous for all 3 specs and I have tested. Shamans indeed need more fixing, but overall enhancement shaman and resto shaman are benefitting right now.
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