Enhancement Shaman's Main hand uses Off Hand to calculate Windfury and uses Off hand to calculate Main hand. In simpler terms. Whoever was in charge seemed to accidentally switch Main hand and Off Hand sides for Enhancement Shaman, which resulted in reduced Stormstrike, windfury, flametongue and lava lash damage. Thanks to the addon "ShamanFriend" I was able to catch this bug. It would list my MH windfury procs as off hand and list my OH windfury procs as Main Hand. Also when flametongue was in off hand it was doing less damage than it was if it was in Main hand. All these coicendences lead to me believing and I know this is 100% true that they are bugged. I'm not sure if this bug applies to everyone in wow, which may also be why there were problems with shamans getting parried 90% of the time by dk, warriors and paladins.