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  1. I'll give it a shot, thanks.
  2. I have been trying to get in the game for awhile now and am getting frustrated at it's inability to work. I have some questions and regards all as follwed: Is it necessary to download the TORRENT file to play on the new 5.4.8 realms? I followed all the [dreadfully-written] instructions to start playing and none of the advice given or open threads appeal to my issues/concerns. If it is genuinely just that I might have forgotten to download a file or misplaced one, could someone please tell me everything needed in the PanaWoW file to partake in playing? Thanks again! Also, any advice given from thoughts or experience are well appreciated. ~Warglaives
  3. 1. Bboorreedd 2. Fun 3. This guy has been spamming about his LGBT supporting guild for days now. We keep telling him to stop because we don't want to have to deal with stuff like that while playing a video game; but he just becomes enraged and lashes out by posting it EVEN MORE. Please do SOMETHING. And a few weeks ago, I defended him and gay people in discrimination conversations but now I am tired of it because instead of him accepting the fact that the argument is over, he continues to bring it up by doing things like this to annoy us! We're all tired of it and I am tired of being Mr. Nice Guy so I am now neutral. Please do something on this topic, it's not just him that trifle us in these troubles. 4. PROOF: [ATTACH=CONFIG]50516[/ATTACH]
  4. 1. Paranoida 2. Fun 3. Hunter in my Gilneas BG did 30 mil dmg in just above 5 minutes... (def hacking) 4. PROOF [ATTACH=CONFIG]46961[/ATTACH]
  5. 1. Cantseepeach, Totembeard and Forsakened 2. Fun 3. Random spamming.. just saw it and reported it. 4. PROOF: 1. CANTSEEPEACH [ATTACH=CONFIG]46608[/ATTACH] Was muted for 120 minutes 2. FORSAKENED [ATTACH=CONFIG]46609[/ATTACH] Was muted for 120 minutes 3. TOTEMBEARD [ATTACH=CONFIG]46610[/ATTACH] Player not found
  6. Whether you agree with what was said today or not, it is not your jurisdiction to accept or distribute any consequences (if any) that are given in now or in the future. You seem to be the real troll here, trying his damndest to show a point that shows no importance to this matter. Your customs or beliefs about anything that I report is nothing of anything. Also, think about this as a reflection: Do you ever hear gay people saying, "Oh well I hate straight people..." ... hmmm nope, so what gives you the mindset to automatically want to give them shit? Oh right, low morality. And not once in any of those screenshots did he say gay people were ugly... And also as I said, I am just doing my job as a player, I am supposed to report racism and mean behavior; and I did. Anyways I am done talking in this thread and will leave it to a GM to handle.
  7. Troll or not it is against server rules, and it is my job to report it. Case closed.
  8. 1. Luffyxop 2. Fun 3. Publicly bagging gay people for their 'bad' decisions in opinion. And also calling anyone who mentioned anything other about gay people in a positive demeanor gay as well. (I am not gay nor do I know anyone gay but I still do not appreciate people picking on each other because of the decisions they decide to associate themselves with regardless of their sex, race, religion). Games are supposed to be a fun and easy way to bring a community of distant people together and have fun, not single out the ones that are different from us from a mediocre difference. I hope you put some though into muting this person and watching chat, because this is the second day of publicly trashing gay people (yesterday was 1st; not same person involved.) 4. PROOF: [ATTACH=CONFIG]46182[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]46183[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]46184[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]46185[/ATTACH]
  9. 1. Shaddo 2. Fun 3. Shaddo started spamming about buy/sell arena, needing advice & help then began mocking GMs and then leading to asking for 'hacker tips' etc... 4. PROOF: [ATTACH=CONFIG]45774[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]45775[/ATTACH]
  10. 1. Gayclazz 2. Fun 3. Logged into to an insolent moron spamming sexual things in English chat. 4. PROOF: [ATTACH=CONFIG]45762[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]45763[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]45764[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]45765[/ATTACH]
  11. 1. Brainbreaker 2. Fun 3. Midway through Mouldyfuzz's spam montage (from my earlier thread) someone got upset and started spamming 'SHUT UP!!!' into the chat multiple times after each spam of @'s by Mouldyfuzz. 4. PROOF: [ATTACH=CONFIG]45700[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]45701[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]45702[/ATTACH]
  12. 1. Mouldyfuzz 2. Fun 3. After 2 spammers prior (Chinese names *in a different thread*) were done being stupid assholes for the FOURTH day in a row... this person decided to start spamming @'s in chat... 4. proof: [ATTACH=CONFIG]45695[/ATTACH]
  13. 1. Gшuldos (Russian letter present) 2. Fun 3. Was holding flag in Twin Peaks... and this flying warlock is in our keep... took 3 screenshots as followed. We also noticed almost immediately joining the battleground that within 20 seconds of the BG starting horde was at 2/3 flag captures, from opening my map and watching the flag fly across the map, I accuse this player of flying the first 2 flags to their keep. 4. PROOF: [ATTACH=CONFIG]45211[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]45212[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]45213[/ATTACH]
  14. It's 8:05 AM Pacific Time, 10:05 AM Central Time, 11:05 Eastern Time (Moscow Time is 7:05 PM) ~ They said to open up around 20:00 which means 8 PM so give it an hour or more and it should come back up.
  15. 1. (2 Violators) Lovemyanal and Rachelspala 2. Fun 3. We were launched into a conversation about lots of things that were under the inappropriate mark and then these two people got hectic and disturbed and began to spam repetitively. 4. [ATTACH=CONFIG]44940[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]44941[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]44942[/ATTACH]
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