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  1. You didnt give me the chance to reply to the previous thread before closing it... -.- You stated that it can be a result of to many players in an area for example. I was alone in UK in Northrend. So that definitely wasn't the case here. What are some other examples? Why would I continuously get stuck at the "logging into game server" menu? Unable to log back in?
  2. For some reason I seem to get randomly disconnected without a "server shutdown" or "Server restart" warning. I just disconnect. I can log onto the fun server but not the x100 server. I go to the website and I see that there are 1500+ people still online... When i try to log back in I repeatedly get "logging into game server" message which shortly after disappears and the cycle repeats. Is this happening to anyone else? If so is it something I am doing? Can it be fixed? Avoided? Thank you, Fuk
  3. I transmog my gear and it stays while im online. I relog and it disappears. If i /reload it stays. Only when i relog.. any way to fix this?:confused:
  4. I have been offline for about 2 weeks. When I tried to log in recently my realmlist was empty. There were no realms available to select. ? Help:confused::confused::confused::confused:
  5. I answered my own question. BUT, in case anyone ever has the same one.... It is account wide.
  6. When using the bonus points to buy the premium with the bonus honor Is that only usable on one specific character or is it account wide? And are there limitations on how many times you can buy it? or is my computer just lagging? Thanks, Phuk
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