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Everything posted by dfabel

  1. Names: Danchya-Fun and Клыкастик Realm: FUN Reason: Bug abuse- they were standing before the red stone and the water couldn't push them down. Proof: http://i.imgur.com/vboqHk1.jpg http://i.imgur.com/uG9rSwu.jpg http://i.imgur.com/rrnr9q0.jpg
  2. I am not sure if this is the right place in the forum. If there is a problem i would nicely ask a moderator to move the threat to another section. Thank you Here is the problem http://i.imgur.com/0Ipnxuz.png?1 is there any way i can remove the double numbers. I have Xperl and OmniCC. Thank you! :o Pic again: http://i.imgur.com/0Ipnxuz.png?1
  3. Haven't played since april last year and how is this still not fixed or it's just me? At least we have only one time invite! http://i.imgur.com/4In19rX.jpg - - - Updated - - - No no no this is some kind of joke i am sure. http://i.imgur.com/FQFVqYL.jpg?1
  4. Yeah i don't see the problem too. So because the spell is not working correctly the dk shouldn't use it?????
  5. Simplest fix is to remove the check on read only on thw wow folder. and then change the language or you can http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=115946
  6. How to copy a nickname, if it contains Аlt-code, is in different language, or is too hard to write down: In chat, list of nick-names in the battle ground or arena player log box. You have to shift+left click the name with open chat, and press Ctrl+a (to select), then Ctrl+c (to copy) and Ctrl+v (in the report, to paste). Don't worry if you see question marks like those: "???????" in chat, the nickname will be still copied the write way in the forum. Also, if there is no log box, nor the violators messages in chat, you can target him, and write in chat: Code: /run local name = UnitName("target");ChatFrame_OpenChat("/w "..name.." Hello.", chatFrame); and get his nickname.
  7. wait the queue
  8. http://www.filedropper.com/pandawow548torrent1 https://www.sendspace.com/file/gash64 http://dox.bg/files/dw?a=3d978659c2
  9. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=122775
  10. Panda WoW x100 Panda WoW x10 Panda WoW FUN
  11. .....
  12. damn so many pics where is the insult i don't think he trashtalking is saying that he is with higher rating than you
  13. http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=29587/dread-commander-thalanor
  14. not really people don't really like skrill but there are a thousand cool nocopyright songs that are trappy and dubby
  15. shit happens
  16. admins don't really help in cases with trade scams it's your fault
  17. didn't watch the whole video but using skrillex is not that good choice
  18. it happened to me when playing fury sometimes it disappears. wait to get it in the mail at least that is what happened for me but admins don't recover items except if you donated and you got the wrong item don't expect someone to give it to you back
  19. got banned for same shit
  20. yeah but if this happens every time he uses stealth? edit are you sure? his Yesterday, 09:35 PM mine Yesterday, 10:00 PM if i am not wrong 09:35 + 25 min is 10:00 and his cd is 46 mins
  21. damn why did you get banned?
  22. you can try to repair char in the site
  23. not really after it's write me i lost it your grammar btw last one http://i.imgur.com/yEcR1HK.png
  24. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=71317 3th
  25. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=46796 well i saw that coming
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