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Everything posted by Riad29

  1. Riad29


    So...the mystery is found,because it crashes...i hope it will be fixed :/
  2. Dafuq xD
  3. Why remove an item from a vendor?Bugged or glitched item?
  4. If the server lags or is slow=crash. If it takes time=Update or the starting of the server is slow.
  5. If the server lags or is slow=crash. If it takes time=Update or the starting of the server is slow.
  6. hmm...thats why :D Would love the update 5.4.8 :D
  8. Hi guys! I just wanna know why the server is sometimes offline and gets off for hours.If its personal,i can understand :) Thanks!
  9. Can you tell us the reasons?Thank you!
  10. yh.But i really want that the server gets up.
  11. Idk,but you're right.
  12. There are a lot of hackers on this server,they are trying to find a solution to get rid of them and also because sometimes they crash and lag the server.
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