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Everything posted by Edina

  1. Edina


    Yes it is but it's unbalanced and causes bugs like "there is no connection to the cross-server" and screwes up games.
  2. Edina


    Yea however, i got kicked enough times when i was winning the bg, because "there is no connection to the cross-server", fuck the cross server, i'm out. You're losing a lot of players pandawow, don't complain, look at yourself what you're becoming. Bye. edit: Well, on retail it doesn't remove it. :) it was working as intended back then, but they screwed up everything. Fine pandawow, look at yourself dying. :)
  3. Edina


    Sorry i meant it breaks stealth, check http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=34709/shadow-sight. says: Aura cannot be cancelled Does not break stealth Starts ticking at aura application
  4. The pvp is unbalanced because of the cross server. I'd suggest you to remove it,otherwise you'll lose more players, you'd already lost a lot of players. The players from the fun realm has some advantages than the x100 players. Don't ask me to explain the diferences, you know them very well. Good job :) played on this server for 3 years, you're ruinning it, sadly. Also, the orbs from arenas removes the stealth buff from classes, and that's not the way it works, wowhead says it clear "doesn't remove stealth". Thank you for ruinning the only server i enjoy playing on. Edit: And it kicks people off battlegrounds because "there's no connection to the cross server". remove it, really.
  5. Well the error was #132, but i just got that error if i log a character from shrine now. Other times from Orgrimmar and i'm not the only one with this issues. Zones getting bugged and causes wowerrors to players.. sadly i got the HS there, and i can't escape.
  6. Well, wow error appears randomly, and it's based on a city bug i think. Sometimes Shrine is bugged, or Orgrimmar. What causes these wow errors? Now Shrine (horde) is bugged, i cannot log into any of my chars even if i repair, and unstuck puts me on my HS location that's in shrine too xD. Is there any way to fix it or just waiting till it fixes itself? Off-topic question: Is CE mogging bannable? I heard ppl saying yes and ppl saying no, got confused. Although i saw a druid with mage transmog yesterday in a BG.
  7. Bye. I was offline for long time how i was supposed to know, so much idiotism in you people, now hate more fgt. bye.
  8. Well, i got donated stuff in there, and they deleted like nothing will happen no1 will notice? So it's like free money for them? nope, i won't let this happen. They are helping only russians , because why would you help others when you can favorize russians. Player number is decreasing, wonder why? You better not wonder, look at how useless this gms are for the players. edit: I was offline, both in-game or forum. So how i was supposed to be warned? tell me.
  9. You just know to close the topic, and what if, i was offline for that long, because i was. Check the dates and i'm not following the forums, i was just playing. So do not tell me, because you want, you won't give what's mine back. Understood? Don't tell me that you freaking warned me, because you didn't. Did you warn me personally? no. I was away, i wasn't playing and when i came back, hmm, characters are missing. Don't act smart if you're not and if you don't know what's happening and you just locking topics. Wait for me to say what the hell i have to say, who the hell made you gm. Now return what is mine, otherwise screw your server and how the hell you treat your players. P.S. That's for Bukarasik.
  10. Ok it seems you guys cleared the selling section, but i really want some of my characters back, you can't just delete that. Names are: Pyroc, Dehumanized, Loveshot, Lovexx, Lovelyagony. and mabye you cleared them because new rules, but i got donated stuff in there and i can't just lose them like it was nothing. Thx accname: sqlinsane you can check that all of that belongs to me.
  11. Edina

    Alter Time

    1. http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=108978/alter-time 2. As arcane mage you stack arcane charges. After you get 4 http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=114664 and use http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=108978/alter-time , you spend the charges then when you use http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=108978/alter-time again to get back in time, you have no charge.Here is an example look at the Arcane Charge buff. 3. I explained at (2) 4. I'm struggeling with this since i started mage here. 5. 100x 6. 10
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