1. spell name : http://www.wowwiki.com/Symbiosis [ Symbiosis, removed in retail ] and http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=55342/mirror-image
2. How it works : it must take a spell from target class, and it take varying DRUID SPEC! and the spell http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=55342/mirror-image just balance druid take it from mage and it make 3 copies wich attack casting wrath.
3. How it is bugged : Symbiosis sometimes doesnt take any spell or it just take random spell. For example balance druid should take from mage mirror image, feral frost nova, guardian frost armor and resto ice block , in pandawow symbiosis take a random spell and vayring TARGET SPEC, that not correct, it should be a specific spell of every DRUID SPEC, for example if mage its fire as balance i take frost nova, or if he is arcane i take mirror image ( wich its bugged too ) and i just should take mirror images regardless of mage specialization.
and http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=55342/mirror-image ( i cant found the druid version because its removed in 6.0 pach) it just doesnt make any copie as mage version.
4. Tested in : 3/11/2014
5. Stat priotity 8/10
PD : in wowwiki you also see wich spell take every druid specialization from all classes.