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  1. there a problem when i try to run it : Data/enUS/wow-update-enUS-17266.MPQ: Cannot stream required archive data. Please check your network connection. For more information, see: https://battle.net/support/article/6250 That message give me
  2. Hahahaha, so ignorant people here, me as druid i do same damage, he's not hacking, i dont knwo if that a bug or something else but i know him very well and its not doing anything illegal. First of all i do around 100k - 150k starsurge critiks with no cds, ( even with trinkets) just with procs and some lucky, so dont report players with any fault. And about 120k-150k in retail with burst its totally false, a good Boomkin do around 300k starsurge with no problems wanna see thyraz videos from retail??? - - - Updated - - - with griveous gear
  3. driun

    [SPELL] Symbiosis

    1. spell name : http://www.wowwiki.com/Symbiosis [ Symbiosis, removed in retail ] and http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=55342/mirror-image 2. How it works : it must take a spell from target class, and it take varying DRUID SPEC! and the spell http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=55342/mirror-image just balance druid take it from mage and it make 3 copies wich attack casting wrath. 3. How it is bugged : Symbiosis sometimes doesnt take any spell or it just take random spell. For example balance druid should take from mage mirror image, feral frost nova, guardian frost armor and resto ice block , in pandawow symbiosis take a random spell and vayring TARGET SPEC, that not correct, it should be a specific spell of every DRUID SPEC, for example if mage its fire as balance i take frost nova, or if he is arcane i take mirror image ( wich its bugged too ) and i just should take mirror images regardless of mage specialization. and http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=55342/mirror-image ( i cant found the druid version because its removed in 6.0 pach) it just doesnt make any copie as mage version. 4. Tested in : 3/11/2014 5. Stat priotity 8/10 PD : in wowwiki you also see wich spell take every druid specialization from all classes.
  4. hi, i just connect and i tried to do arenas with a friend but after i finish it all of my spells disapear from action bars ( just gone these spells of your current spec like moonkin form, starfall, sunfire , etc.. if you are balance ) what its happening? it occurs to my warlock friend too, all destro lock spells disapear on his action bar like chaos bolt or ember tap, please repair it
  5. i sold it !!
  6. WTS a good female human WW monk with : * ilv 525 * 2 pridefull weapons with dacing steel and pvp bloody enchant * full gemmed ( except meta gem ) * full Enchanted * Cool titles ( the fallen of the lich king too) * cool xmog and 3 beaty sword to transgmog it * arena 2vs rating : 1800 * Have 1650 conquest points not capped ( 0/3200 cap ) ( so you can have around 530 ilv after cap ) * name : Shaojitsu Price : Just for 270 bonnuses ( 299 from pandawow ) Hurry buy it!! and I hope you enjoy with it
  7. WTS a good female human WW monk with : * ilv 525 * 2 pridefull weapons with dacing steel and pvp bloody enchant * full gemmed ( except meta gem ) * full Enchanted * Cool titles ( the fallen of the lich king too) * cool xmog and 3 beaty sword to transgmog it * arena 2vs rating : 1800 * Have 1650 conquest points not capped ( 0/3200 cap ) ( so you can have around 530 ilv after cap ) * name : Shaojitsu Price : Just for 270 bonnuses ( 299 from pandawow ) Hurry buy it!! and I hope you enjoy with it
  8. WTS a good female human WW monk with : * ilv 525 * 2 pridefull weapons with dacing steel and pvp bloody enchant * full gemmed ( except meta gem ) * full Enchanted * Cool titles ( the fallen of the lich king too) * cool xmog and 3 beaty sword to transgmog it * arena 2vs rating : 1800 * Have 1650 conquest points not capped ( 0/3200 cap ) ( so you can have around 530 ilv after cap ) * name : Shaojitsu Price : Just for 270 bonnuses ( 299 from pandawow ) Hurry buy it!! and I hope you enjoy with it :)
  9. 1. Pilence 2. Pandawow x100 3. I was arguing with that guy about the last arena because he won us and called to my mate '' noob '' and he wishp me : suck my b**** agata ( my character name) 4. prof : http://i.imgur.com/vHKTHaK.jpg the prof its on the window chat.
  10. im getting WoW error every time when i connect with my warlock. I tried to fix it on website but its still now working, the error its on entire storwind city ( all of my characters are there and i get wow error) , so i cant do nothing, i tried to delete the cache but still persist. i have nothing to do storwind city got bugged. This application has encountered a critical error: ERROR #132 (0x85100084) Fatal exception! Program: E:\Download\Games\wow\PandaWoW-32.exe ProcessID: 6588 Exception: 0xC0000005 (ACCESS_VIOLATION) at 0023:00A69F92 The instruction at "0x00A69F92" referenced memory at "0x000000C8". The memory could not be "read".
  11. 1. name : its russian 2. realm : pandawow x100 3. Abuse comand pet of his pet to use his wrathstorm without cooldown 4. evidence : first : https://i.imgur.com/xEqgXbF.jpg On this image you can see the player name from his pet infromation and using his ability second : https://i.imgur.com/08bGWHx.jpg on this image you can see how fast he did it again ( for be sure look both images and see my immune shield cooldown on the first one have 32 secs and on the 2nd screenchout it have 29 sec + the wrathsrtorm duration in the last screenshout its bigger PD : sry for last image now i correct it.
  12. Im agree with this bug, monks are pretty bugged and just healing spheres make him op. For example a WW monk its hard to kill his healing spheres heal so much like 60k - 100k critik (i had monk) with agility gear + battle fatigue. Then brewmaster ( tank) are unkillable and his dps its like a normal dps class ( i think its bugged ) that not normal and its unkillable, another tanks like pala, war, druid ( exept if we use bear hug + misht of ursoc) have no dmg in pvp only monks are op. Then MW monks on this server have no skill, only ppl with no idea spam and abuse healing spheres so i get angry bcz they without that spell are nothing. And i saw how all ppl try to to evade or invalid this ticket bcz they know very well how it is bugged and they love abuse it. PD : when that spell will get fixed all ppl will see how 90% of healers monks will die and his rate will decrease so fast.
  13. driun

    Lava burst bugged

    1. http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=51505/lava-burst and http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=77756/lava-surge 2. How it should works : after using lava burst you have 8 sec cooldown and http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=77756/lava-surge reset it cooldown and make lava burst instant. 3. How it works in pandawow : http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=77756/lava-surge reset lava burst cooldown and make it instant and then you are allow to cast it twice. For example shaman lava burst me with x2 lava from mastery : overload then he get the proc and instant lava burst me again its like another x2 lava burst then he can cast lava burst again without cooldown after he does his instant that mean another x2 lava burst if he have lucky + sometimes they have a lot of http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=77756/lava-surge procs that mean like x10 lava burst in a row in few second and it deal like 300k-400k in 3-4 seconds if he have lucky + they always critikal strike when flame shock its on target 4. tested : 26/09/2014 pandawowx100, x10 and fun 5. 10/10 make shamans so overpower
  14. i said i couldnt play like 30 minutes, it depends of what time you start to play, but 4 hours offline it so much
  15. hi, im rly glad for your avance and balance druid works at 99'99% on this server. But to reach the 100% you still need an important spell for boomies. 1. name : wild mushroom http://cata.db.pandawow.me?spell=88747 as balance and wild mushroom detonate : http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=88751/wild-mushroom-detonate as balance too. 2. how it works : i should cast a maxim of 3 mushroom and after i use http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=88751/wild-mushroom-detonate Detonates all of your Wild Mushrooms, dealing 293 to 353 (+ 34.9% of Spell power) Nature damage to all nearby targets within 8 yards, and creating a Fungal Growth in each mushroom's wake covering an area within 8 yards, slowing all enemy targets by 50%, and lasting 20 sec. 3. how it works in pandawow : when you use http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=88751/wild-mushroom-detonate it jst deal dmg and do not make a fungal growth wich slow target by 50% within 8 yards of each mushroom placed. 4. test on 26/09/2014 pandawow x100, x10 and fun. 5. 8/10 : its so important for boomies, that make rogues out from stealth when they step on fungal growth and slow melee targets. Thanks!
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