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Everything posted by radkatasalama

  1. Hello all. I sell my priest shadow/holy with both 550ilvl gears with tailoring and herb also and archaeology and 2x proffs with alot of donate transmog has 2200 ench spirit conquest ench also challenge set and donate sets soo cool for 880 points HUman Female Name Trisonora all enchts gems etcs ..
  2. Hello Guys, i sell 550ilvl undead mage with Tailoring and Enginnering and Archaeology max 1500 cr now because arena reset,Full enchts gems sockets, also i have 2 sets one for Fire spec and Frost spec. Price:800+% [ATTACH=CONFIG]86170[/ATTACH]fire set Transmog [ATTACH=CONFIG]86171[/ATTACH]frost set Transmog
  3. Hello guys, Proffesions:Tailoring and Engineering Arena Rating:2062 Race:Troll Male Gear:550ilvl Balance and 540ilvl Feral also full enchts gems glyphs etc. Transmog:[ATTACH=CONFIG]84361[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]84362[/ATTACH] Price is 550%+
  4. WTB Orc ench shaman pref or dwarf 545 + ilvl
  5. Sell my 2x characters Feral Druid Night elf male with Enginnering and Tailoring + 2 donate transmog sets 550 ilvl and some balance items have 3200 Cp and 4k honor + not capped. Shadow Priest Human Female WIth Enchanting and Tailoring + some transmog items 548 ilvl not capped Both chars have good score in 2s soo have fun all;);););););););)
  6. Check Elinadinalel in shop Human Female warrio 550 item ilvl
  7. Hello Guys. I sell 550 ilvl warrior Human Female. With BS, Tailoring, Fist Aid, Fishig and Archaelogy Max Skill. Donate Transmog:Full [Crown of the Golden King] Set + [Gauntlets of Feathery Blows]Set + [Amani Mask of Death]Set + [Wrathful Gladiator's Plate Helm]Set. Donate Transmog weapons: [Corrupted Ashbringer] [Malevolent Gladiator's Greatsword] [Very Light Sab] + he is 2100 cr now. If someone want to buy this character pm prices here on /w e Chilelolz or Darkphattom in game.
  8. Rogue 522 Name:WorgenGnome Human Female Retry Paladin 525 Name:Nagibaet Human Female Warrior 523 Name:Zedsdead Human Male Mage 523 Name:Noobmagee Human Female Retry Paladin 522 Name:Tampplier Human Male WW Monk 537 Name:Hypohyx Human Female All characters have 2x proffesions Enginnering and Tailoring + alot of Donate transmog Have fun all ;)
  9. I want this Ghastly Charger's Skull - - - Updated - - - i want this Ghastly Charger's Skull :P
  10. Pref Human War / Draenei enhancement Shaman got 428 points.
  11. sold thanks for buying
  12. Hello guys. I sell my DK. Human Male With Tailoring + Engineering / Shado-pan Trinket ,Neck for 450 Points. Name is Baltazat.And i got [Necrotic Boneplate Pauldrons] set. HE is on site u can check it. :)
  13. I try to connect all day to server but i cant....... [ATTACH=CONFIG]50526[/ATTACH].
  14. 120 i think. or more idk cus i boots my friends :) http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/game/char-1-545482.html
  15. Hi i sell my fucking warrior full gr gear for 500 points with Engineering Tailoring 2k rate. cool transmog and more .
  16. Hi everyone, today for sell is a 515 ilvl warlock, he has both griev weapons with some griev gear, and the rest is full Tyr. He has great titles on him. Human Famale - Aliance Full Tailoring 600/600 Full Engineering 600/600 If you have questions, mail Noobmagee or Elinadinax in game or leave a reply here. Hes fully gemmed and enchanted. Already in the webshop for 300 only!!! Have a great day!!
  17. Name elinadina human famele enginnering + tailoring + bs
  18. Hello guys. I sell my 2x characters Names - DrugLike hunter human famale 506 lvl + Engineering and Tailoring Full cool transmog + and items from site /Elinadina spriest / holy human famale 500 lvl + Enginnering + Bs+ Tailoring cool transmog + and items from site u can check him in site 270 points ench. I want to sell him for 100 but i cant soo . If want any questions Add Elinadinax Or Chilelolz aliance.:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
  19. [ATTACH=CONFIG]46926[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]46927[/ATTACH] Also i have on Monk Mining and Tailoring full / Hunter Tailoring and Engineering :D:D:D
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