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Everything posted by Nsgfresh

  1. i said by the time pandawow fixes their pve content , WoD private servers will be out , everyone here wants fixed pve content but it isnt going to happen , so we have to stay realistic and hope for the closest possible thing , which is prideful right now ... that is yet again , not getting released "this week 100%"...
  2. we all would love fixes or something new for the server , but lets talk real here , the developers here arent the best and nobody asks for that because everyone KNOWS that its not going to happen , we are NEVER going to see a real arena season or fixed content , because WoD private servers will come out and everyone will quit before that happens , we are talking about real time and possible stuff , the realest thing we can afford right now is new patch and FINALLY SOMETHING TO DO , not to sit in elwynn forest and duel with friends , prideful is the ONLY thing we can hope for , i wouldnt even give a shit about prideful if this server was 100% fixed and had active staff , i sell high rated characters for bonuses out of boredom , and prideful would help alot , me and about 15 of my friends quit this server just because prideful isnt coming out and its just boring for them , the PVP platform on this server is rock bottom level , gear up - get bored - leave , new gear brings new objective and something to do for a few weeks , we all know the content here is never ever getting fixed , thats why were not asking for it, adding prideful gear is the only salvation in sight for the actual players , because its the only thing were going to get , along with some "fixes" , there hasnt been a changelog/fixed spells log for like 3 months , and the admins keep lying to us about release dates , imagine yourself in the skin of a good player , you log on pandawow , you get decent rating , you gear up , and you get bored, so you leave. thats why theres barely any good players playing on this server , because theres nothing to achieve , 99% of pve content is bugged even on the leveling servers , scenarios? yeah , see you in 2015 if were lucky , real arena seasons? whats that? .... open your eyes , we are talking about something possible , and the most possible thing right now is new patch
  3. speaking about molten wow , pandawow has the last chance to impress the english community on this server , i know the majority of the players cant wait for molten MOP to come out , the only reason why i want s15 to be here so bad is because im bored to death and there is literally nothing to do on pandawow once you get 1-2 full geared characters , juster has been avoiding us for the past 2 months about any information about the 5.4.8 , its always "its coming out in 1-2 weeks" or "its coming out next week for sure!" , and it never happend , casualties mentioned that they dont give an exact date/time because they dont want to lose respect of the community , to be honest juster has lost my respect a very long time ago and i HIGHLY doubt 5.4.8 OBT will come out this week , but what can we do? hope , thats all we can do , if they dont release 5.4.8 soon , molten and AT MOP servers will come out and pandawow population will drop rapidly , its all up to the admins wether they want to save their server or not , i know many people will be like "im not going to leave pandawow because i have full geared chars here" , im 100% positive molten and AT both have a bigger developer team and will fix bugs quicker than pandawow , thats why majority of the people will leave , so will I if 5.4.8 doesnt get released.
  4. well its friday , juster has 2 days to release it casualties also said "we wont be giving an exact date/time so ther community doesnt lose their respect" juster doesnt want to lose his respect... right? he clearly said (in broken english) , that the OBT is coming out "THIS WEEK 100%" , and the screenshot was taken on the 30th why would a gm lie to us? i mean they arent corrupt or liars are they?
  5. hey guys , juster confirmed prideful OBT is coming out this week http://i.imgur.com/fZioKwh.jpg now you can stop making forum posts and asking when its coming out , its coming out THIS WEEK! (screenshot taken on the 30th july) juster said 100% , so i believe its coming out in 1 week!
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