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  1. Hallo, ich und mein kumpel sind auch Deutsche. Also es ist eigetlich super easy. 1. Du hast / oder machst dir einen Battlenet account auf der Blizzard seite. 2. Dann kannst du dir kostenlos und schnell WoW herunterladen...die aktuellste version ist das. Weil ja neuerdings WoW bis lv20 kostenlos ist. 3. So ....hast du WoW (CLient) geladen...sind ca 24GB dann... 4. Lädst du hier : http://filebeam.com/4bdd07da17491c53a3e3a16c2358276b die Panda wow exe herunter und kopierst den gesammten zip Ordner in das WoW Verzeichnis (da wo die normale wow.exe drin ist...) 5. Dann noch die Deutsche WTF/Config in den WTF/COnfig ordner ... http://filebeam.com/4bdd07da17491c53a3e3a16c2358276b Und es geht! Du musst auf der Panda wow webseite NATÜRLICH vorher noch einen Account erstellen. Das wars!!? Klappts?
  2. You didn´t read my topic and first post... and obviously you don´t know elemental shaman. I know that... and nevertheless now the dmg is too low because of (read first post and calculation) whatever I hope some of the technical staff read this too... they understand.
  3. You sir have no idea of this class ... I never have more than a tripple lavaburst and this can be...Because of Elemental Overload (http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=77222) & Echos of the Elements (http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=108283/echo-of-the-elements) So you have the chance to cast lavaburst get an Elemental Overload (i have 76%mastery procc chance) and an additional Lavaburst from Echos of the Elements (6%chance)... So lets say a 150k lavaburst + 150k from Echos (it dublicates the spell so 100% of its dmg) and 112,5k from Overload (75% of the dmg spell) So nothing is wrong here. WHAT is wrong...is the low dmg after patch (1st post!)
  4. 1. Mastery: Elemental Overload (link: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=77222/mastery-elemental-overload) Overload does not benefit from any other talent like Unleash Elements what gives (+30% firedmg next spell) (link: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=73680) Tested/Example: When u do a 100k lavaburst u get 75k overload ...thats correct! BUT If u do > Ulneash Elements PS: Additional to this the Level90 Talent >Elemental Blasthttp://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=117014) does not get a correct Overload. I hit with Elemental Blast for example with 140k and get an overload of 60k ...thats not 75%!!! wtf 2. The Lv90 Talent Unleashed Fury (link: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=117012) doesnt give any dmg bonus anymore to Lavaburst and Lightning Bolt. I switched sveral times between the talents >Unleashed Fury and Elemental Blast If u nee pics/vid 4 proof i will post. thx 4 help
  5. Its even worse. After patch its broken now...because the overload does not benefit from any other talent like Unleash Elements (+30% firedmg next spell) When u do a 100k lavaburst u get 75k overload ...thats correct! BUT If u do Ulneash Elements+Lavaburst u get 130k Lavaburst and again a 75% +/-2k Overload ... But it has to be 75%dmg of the 130k spell what is around 97k
  6. impossible because that gear is not available in the shop atm. lv 550 Max lv. 522 shop
  7. Since this week the patch 5.4.8 is out and all Areana rankings stats are resetted...right So i wonder when I see a character on friday with 8+ Pridefull Gear parts ... That need at least 13000 points...so wtf?! How is that possible with the weekly maximum amount of points??? I mean this is the first week? It was all resetted and I start with a cap of 2200/2200 ...? So what is the maximum cap i can reach in one week with good ranking? thx 4 help
  8. I report the following BUG for Elemental shaman The >>Mastery: Elemental Overload (Tooltip sais) Elemental Overload causes a Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, or Lava Burst spell you cast to trigger a second, similar spell on the same target at no additional cost that causes 75% of normal damage and no threat. The Problem/Bug is that the similar spell does NOT the 75% of the casted spell ...if this spell was enhanced by talents like >>Unleash Elements Exemple: If I cast a lavaburst for 100k and get overload ... I got a similar 75% Lavaburst =75k This is ok/correct! BUT when i use >>Unleash Elements If I cast then Unleash Elements plus Lavaburst, Lavaburst makes 130k ... But the similar 75% Lavaburst (Overload) does not 75% of 130k ... it just do 75k! Plz fix that, thx
  9. We have the following problem with the Option on the Website >>Control Panel - Transfer character We bought a character and want it to transfer to a second account (we enough points) We write the name of the new account in the panel and click on TRANSFER... then nothing happens... no (200) points are substracted and there is only the message... >> instruction is send to your email So whats wrong. thx 4 help
  10. Ok so it will drop if i do the questchain... Lieutenant Drake appears? Because I didn t find the item in your database (item buy) thx i will try it
  11. Hi, I want to get/buy the item >>item= 28210 id bloodskull-destroyer itemlevel 115 It normally drops here: from Lieutenant Drake in Old Hillsbrad Foothills (instance) it still should be in game.... 1. I tried to kill the boss but it is not there (instance) 2. I searched the item in transmorfication & item buy but did not find it Is this item not in your armory or can i get it anyway!? thx 4 help PS: its not the same model as >>Syphon of the Nathrezim
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