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  1. Name: Assßringrer-Fun Realm: Battleground Warsong Gulch Description: Capture of the flag almost inmediately after start of BG, and after that two more times with a lapse of three seconds between grabbing the flag and capturing. Proof: https://imgur.com/zr823tx https://imgur.com/UlB6Gog https://imgur.com/7xWqkee
  2. Name: Famousblak Realm: Fun Where: Warsong Gulch Proof: https://imgur.com/2SVr8mj Description: Obscene speech towards his own team
  3. Name: Jesixo x-100 Realm: x-100 Hack: Teleport hack in warsong gulch (five seconds to capture flag) Proof: https://i.imgur.com/jswEhcX.png
  4. Name: Axeblade x-100 Realm: x-100 Hack: Teleport hack in warsong gulch (less than a few seconds to capture flag) Proof: https://i.imgur.com/2p9Q3E0.png Edited to correct name, realm and info about hack, apologies for this errors
  5. Player :Asesinno Realm: xFun Description: Capture of the flag in Warsong Gulch using teleport hack Proof: https://imgur.com/RjdPTRD https://imgur.com/0znfif9
  6. Name: Армеец Realm: 100x Take and capture of the flag in 1 second http://i.imgur.com/Jnulhn2.png
  7. Player/personaje: 血液和雷声 Realm/reino: 10x Description/descripción: Use of some third party program to alter the course of the bg (Warsong gulch)(Ban criteria 1.2), in the images you can see how he captures the flag 2 times in less tan 10 sec, i barely had chance to take the second screen capture, and failed to capture a screen when he did it for a third time. You can see how a druid player is behind me in the first capture and in the next capture of the flag he is just in front of me, also, u can see the clock in my map and status bar, there is no time elapsed in between both captures, there is no (legal) way a single player can capture two flags in less than 1 minute, granted there is no "time activated in chat" but is proof enough of the fault. http://i.imgur.com/gje0ABN.jpg http://i.imgur.com/tc1TbsT.jpg
  8. Ok, i tried to edit my post with no success, the players name is 血液和雷声 from the guild V de Vendetta, hope this helps - - - Updated - - - Ok, i tried to edit my post with no success, the players name is 血液和雷声 from the guild V de Vendetta, hope this helps
  9. Player/personaje: can´t tell, he is using asian characters, but im pretty sure he is a priest / no puedo decir, usa caracteres asiáticos, pero estoy casi seguro que es sacerdote Realm/reino: 10x Description/descripción: Use of some third party program to alter the course of the bg (Warsong gulch)(Ban criteria 1.2), in the images you can see how he captures the flag 2 times in less tan 10 sec, i barely had chance to take the second screen capture, and failed to capture a screen when he did it for a third time. / Uso de algún programa de terceros para alterar el curso de la bg (Garganta grito de guerra)(Criterio de ban1.2), en las imágenes se puede observar como captura la bandera en menos de 10 segundos, apenas tuve oportunidad de tomar una captura de pantalla de la segunda captura y falle en capturar la pantalla cuando lo hizo por tercera ocasión. http://i.imgur.com/gje0ABN.jpg http://i.imgur.com/tc1TbsT.jpg
  10. Ok, satisfecho con la explicación, solicito se cierre el tema. Gracias - - - Updated - - - Ok, satisfecho con la explicación, solicito se cierre el tema. Gracias
  11. Personajes: Daktyl, Zzic, Portita Reino: 10x Descripción: Uso de algún bug para poder capturar 3 bases al mismo tiempo, en base a reglamento 1.3. Uso de Bugs: utilizar fallas del servidor con el fin de beneficiar o perjudicar a los jugadores / servidor. Siendo personajes de clase diferente y que en el tiempo que lo hicieron apenas alcanza para llegar a la base mas cercana a la salida de la Bg Cuenca de Arathi (Arathi Basin), la imagen que proporciono es de un poco mas adelante en el juego, ya que no tuve tiempo de tomar la captura en el exacto momento, pero en la zona de chat, se puede ver como capturan base al mismo tiempo que yo capturo una base, lo que hace improbable que ellos hayan podido llegar a Herreria, Granja y Mina al mismo tiempo, agrego una imagen extra de toda la banda, por si se requiere. http://imgur.com/3t1kvQ5 http://imgur.com/n1Zm4YV
  12. Name: Blasphemer Realm: 10x Violation: Use of obscene language against two Alliance players (being myself one of them), this player was in hellfire península killing lows, and when we came in defense of our Friends and kill him and another horde player, he just began using foul language, as you can see in the image. Hope this time i added correctly the image http://imgur.com/lfdnRUt http://imgur.com/1uPahAp
  13. Name: Blasphemer Realm: 10x Violation: Use of obscene language against two Alliance players (being myself one of them), this player was in hellfire península killing lows, and when we came in defense of our Friends and kill him and another horde player, he just began using foul language, as you can see in the image.
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