I´m Inxs, player of the x100 realm. As you can see I´m not an russian user. I use an english WoW client (enGB/enUS), english ingame language and I´ve been having this quite annoying issue with the Auction House; more specifically with the search by name feature. Comes like this:
>When I link (shift+click) the item into AH and press search, there are no results. As if there were no items of that kind for sale.
>When I just type either a keyword of the item or some parts of it, which should end up in the item or a close/very similar named item; also gets me to no results found.
But all that isn´t true, most of the times items are there! And I checked several times browsing manually every kind of stuff. It´s the AH who doesn´t recognize the language I write into. And this has been happening to many people, I got some feedback from guild and global channels.
Here are some screenshots.
http://postimg.org/image/73nyxvtn3/ ->link and search
http://postimg.org/image/fmq1e6s8l/ ->type and search
http://postimg.org/image/jnv876ytt/ ->manual search of the same item
I would like to know if there´s any way to fix this by myself, change/write/copypaste something, an addon, etc. Or if it´s something the devs must take care of. Will really appreciate your help, thanks in advance