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Everything posted by Millie

  1. Nick: Millie Server: 100x Version: 5.4.2 Problem: ALOT of my achievements are bugged, f.ex i have 3500 HKs, but not the ''Honorable Kill'' Achievement for 1 HK... I have over 300 Arena wins, but not the ''Step into the arena'' achievement etc etc. I have tried ''Repair character'' and I have tried to delete cache, neither did any good. Any solution? Screenshots: See attachments.
  2. Fixed absolutely nothing, still no HK achievement, Arena win achievements etc, 90% of my achievements are bugged, deleted Cache + ''Repaired'' character Any more solutions?
  3. Hey! My character Millie, on realm 100x, is bugged, missing alot of achievements, such as Honorable kill achievements, even tho i have 3.1k HKs, Arena win achievements, even tho i have over 200 wins etc... Please fix :D
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