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  1. i have question does soul swap copy the duration of the dots? in this server in retail sc obviously does but idk here :/
  2. only good thing in this video is the music warrior = retarded
  3. Hello Pandawow admins here are some important bugs from affli lock :Soul Swap doestn copy duration AND the buffed dots(like from trinket doesnt copy the "harder" dots) pandemic is working but you cant copy the duration and from the buffs the dmg :seed of corruption is buggy too there are 2 different SOCs one soulburn and one without normally you can have 2 different SOCs one soulburn and one without on a target :Malefic grasp the dots doesnt tick for each MG tick for 30% when you fix these all Affliciton can be played here and sry for my bad english
  4. and everyone wonders "where he get thuz glasses"
  5. its Hardcore retarded when you are not full geared mage Neal and boomi vs full geared enemy they arent able to kill a lower geared Team cuz no skill and just becaue the buff you lose the crowd chose you buff was impleneted and 1-2 patches later was removed cuz retarded in 2v2 its OK With the buff but not in 3s LSD combs profitable from long games they arent strong in start they show their strenght in long games And sorry for my Bad english :D
  6. Fix pls the crowd chose you buff they removed in live servers called now "dampening" after 10 minutes reduces every 10 sec the received heal amount 1% Source: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/10195209926 Source2: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/blog/10932273#oct21
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