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Everything posted by mightybeast

  1. You mean that they removed it ?
  2. That was one of the most Dominating warrior i have ever saw ! Nice skill bro
  3. I am wondering if i can collect this set . If anyone knows how to farm it or buy it response for this post. Here is a link for the set look http://www.wowhead.com/transmog-set=1530 :heart::heart::crazy::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:
  4. Did all what you guys told me but still getting the same error over and over again.
  5. So i re-installed wow .even without any addon this error keeps showing of - - - Updated - - - This error keep showing of in every character i have so I re-installed the whole game again but still getting the same error even without any addons
  6. I am getting Lua error in the game so i opened a ticket and the GM told me to delete/change addons i did that and still getting the same problem. getting the error like this [ATTACH=CONFIG]51904[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]51905[/ATTACH]
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