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Everything posted by hfiani

  1. really cool. no one to answer
  2. well i noticed that i have the 200 mounts achievement on my other characters which do NOT have 200 mounts at all. how is so?
  3. i just checked. nothing my friend.
  4. nop. was not talking about the bug. was talking that they give me my mount XD
  5. oh. it's been a while since i came here. and it was working. thanks. i will try now - - - Updated - - - ok i tried that. it gave me the achievement which i already had, but still no mount. i still have 202 mounts, no armored blue dragonhawk, nothing in mail even after the logout and login, nothing in my bag
  6. come on. no one can fix this?
  7. Name of not working spell/quest/npc etc: Mount Parade Description of the problem: It doesn't reward you the mount when you've earned the achievement. How it must work: It should reward you the mount when you've earned the achievement. (Armored Blue DragonHawk) Date when you tested it: 04-28-16 Realm (x100/x5/Fun): FUN Character: DemonicGnome Priority of the problem: 10/10 for mount collectors and 5/10 for non collectors picture1 shows that i have the achievement http://s32.postimg.org/7ttqjxtub/Wo_WScrn_Shot_050116_120210.jpg picture2 shows that i do not have mount http://s32.postimg.org/w6tm21t1x/Wo_WScrn_Shot_050116_120351.jpg picture3 shows that i had it on another character since more than a year ago (it is mounted) http://s32.postimg.org/j75alp6c3/Wo_WScrn_Shot_050116_120439.jpg
  8. hfiani


    i mainly play x100 because its mounts get into FUN. if this is no longer the case, they lost me in x100 i guess. even on FUN it is not fun to get same mounts on all characters
  9. i do not speak russian, but translator say: "Good picture! It is seen that tried." so thanks if you rly like it, why don't you thank my post
  10. Account: hfiani Character Name: SunlightHunt Realm: x100 http://s15.postimg.org/5j67asyxn/colored_by_gouache_archer_in_forest_at_night_b.png This is a mix between both digital and traditional art. EDIT: i forgot the title in case it was not understood: "Christmas in Ghostlands"
  11. so, i was banned for using flyhack, no comment there, i deserved it, i was in blackrock and used flyhack, because it was SO big. anyway, the GM who banned me appeared there using flyhack and speedhack. is he allowed to do that? just saying. (can't remember his name)
  12. try this: login using your character which you want to change. and move a bit and then logout directly. right after logout change what you wish. it should save
  13. i think they will reply: 1) you must follow the rules. 2) you are in the wrong section. 3) it is not our problem you did not pay attention
  14. this could be a turn in words. lol if he means i slam u die then i think someone should tell him that it could be an insult to avoid conflict.
  15. Specify the following: Name of the violator: islamudie Realm, where you saw the violation: fun server Description of the violation: his name insults islam (islamudie = islam you die) Proof: http://s4.postimg.org/73gk73l4t/Wo_WScrn_Shot_102715_222545.jpg Comments to the situation (if it needed).
  16. 1. i couldn't care less about new transmogs or gear. if it happens that i can get a better gear than great. so no ninja loot 2. if you mean i said i would join a raid, and either i got late, or i have to leave before it is over, i message you? sure 3. sure i understand english, but i am not familiar with all WoW keywords, since i never was in a guild which is active before. also do we need some voice software or smtg? i have a frost mage on x100 as lv90 and a beast master hunter as lv74 (i can switch to arcane and marksmen) so let me know
  17. i was not very active lately due to real life. my ilvl are mostly 429, and some are lower.(like staff and rings) my main goal is to get all possible mounts, including raid mounts and achievement mounts. so i can raid with you, and not interested in long MoP raids, i mostly want Cata and ICC raids. if you agree i can join you.
  18. it is not a bug. a bug does not behave like this at all. i always queue while mounted up and this never happened.
  19. i have 87 ms here now on x100
  20. i made it work!! please post this somewhere anyone can see: 1) what i had to do first is to actually play with the character as it is, it will ask to change a name, no worries choose whatever name. then enter the name and press ok 2) re enter the game and logout directly. (mine was dead so i had to rez it and then logout) 3) THEN you can change the faction and it will work, personally i changed everything i needed to, seems something in database is missing until you play for first time. 4) after faction change you will be able to change race and face and name and whatever, personally i just changed nothing and said next next next... it will work just fine
  21. it has nothing important as i remember. it is lv 11. but i cannot remember if i bought 300 golds with bonuses back then (now i have over 40k on another character on x100 which makes those 300 useless) so i guess i will just delete him. no need to struggle in this matter further. i just wanted to see if this is a bug so i should report it properly. seems not, so i will delete him
  22. ok so admins? any ideas? if there is not soon solution, just let me delete this character. i already have an alliance hunter on x100 and i don't need another one, so after the merge, i prefer the x10 hunter to become horde.
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