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  1. :( why nobody like me? xD its amazing when you jump on someone and kill him in 1s (hit+stormstrike+windfury+unleash elementals+earth shock+elemental blast = 100%+380%+3x120%+90%+earth shock+elemental blast = 930% weapon dmg + earth shock+elemental blast = 600K+ dmg if something crits (going full EQ on crit, so i have +-40%, and its 8 instances of dmg, so 2-3 should crit) = mage, lock or anybody with low EQ death.
  2. + зирр , исправить пожалуйста
  3. Ty, but that bonus AP isnt biggest problem :D Much bigger problem is that it doesnt work on 2h weapons at all. Its just never activates that 3 extra hits (its ok if they do "only" normal weapon dmg).
  4. Bump! Still broken.
  5. ... still broken. Can somebody create topic about it in rusian section? I tryed to find it over google translator, and there is not topic about Windfury... i dont even care about that bonus AP, but it just doesnt proc once.
  6. ... over 1 month later. Encha shaman is still useless...
  7. Yes... still 0x proc windfury from 1000 hits with 2h weapon.
  8. No... 11/10. Its most important spell for ench shaman. Ench shaman with no windfury is like BM hunter without pet, or protect war without shield.
  9. Please fix at least that Windfury Weapon on 2h weapons... it should have 20% chance, but it never proc... its most important thing for old good 2h shamans. I know that 2h shamans are not really good on MoP, but its much more fun to play it, then that "modern" 2x 1h style... But because Windfury Weapon doesnt work at all on 2h weapons, this old funy style is even more useless... its took about 50% of all DMG from shamans.
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