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Everything posted by blitz101

  1. yo man dont even bother, i reported my account hackes about 1 month ago where the person took two of my mains abnd 490 bonus, and i havent gotten any response from anyone, its a waste of time reporting anything here, dont even think the gms check the forum.
  2. Hello Gm i did a faction change on my horde shaman to alliance, but when i did the change the boot changed from Mail to leather now i cannot equip it. Can u please help me fix this. There is a Screen shot of my problem.
  3. 1. Blitz101 2. Realm x100 3. dk- dkaruzo, warlock- Irine 4. raphael_hoyte@yahoo.com 5. Last visit To game before hack was around 2015-03-30 12:15 am (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) 6. ip 7. Nick of toon - tygraa, he lives in my country, the only one that i know personally on this site, he playes a feral druid tygraa female nelf 8. I dont have screen shots of the stolen character, but my lock has alchemy and herbal, dk enchanting and tailoring, i bought both of these toons last week by selling my feraldruid generous to by the lock and selling my sub rogue kastet to by the dk. 9. I have no other account on this server. 10. I went to bed on the 2015-3-30 around 12:15 am, after playing in game, where everything was fine, when i woke up i logged on to the game website to vote, and saw all my bonus were gone 495, i then logged into the game and saw all my toons were gone except my lvl 12 human priest. looked on the buy character section on the site and saw that my hunter bulzeye, shaman elementux, pally rhynux, druid astralhealz were up for sale and i quickly restored them. but my two ilvl 550 toons lock irine and dk dkaruzo, were nowhere to be found. later in that day i saw them up for sale on site. i dont know how my account was hacked i never shared my password with no one, the thing is i donate to this server every month and to see that this happend, i dont think i want to be playing here anymore because of security reasons, i have spent too much money on my account for it to be hacked.
  4. I see my Dk dkaruzo and lock irine on the site to be sold could a gm please track which account is selling it. i got back the other toons they were not gone the hacker had placed them up for sale i recovered them but my lock and dk which were ilvl 550 with more than 500 k gold and 495 bonus are gone
  5. Good Morning everyone. Last Night before i went to bed my account was fine, i wokeup this morning only to see the bonus that i had gone 495 of it, logged in and saw i have only my lvl 12 priest. My lock irine, dk dkaruzo, hunter bulzeye, paly rhynux, druid astralhealz, shaman elementux, all gone. I know my account was hacked. I dont share my account with no one, never did, im the only person who knows ,my password. Gm Whats going on.
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