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About Rhyax

  • Birthday 09/22/1999

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  1. And why do they fixed the quests lol? It's pointless, since the servers are wth high xp rate.
  2. http://www.arenajunkies.com/topic/227748-mop-diminishing-returns-updating-the-list/ http://www.wowwiki.com/Diminishing_returns Imbecile.
  3. A healer.... FROM THE HORDE?!?!?!
  4. Then it's not only the devs. The community sucks as well.
  5. it means QT. Cutey
  6. Pvp? no Bugs? Yea, a lot Population? Mostly braindead russians
  7. Rhyax

    Boomkin :3

    There aren't any good boomkins here. They aren't even using powershift macro lol.
  8. It has nothing to do with hackers and abusers. They just can't. The developers here suck. They can't even fix the dmg formulas of some skills.
  9. И какво като е 5.4.8? Този сървър бледнее в сравнение с молтен.
  10. Rhyax

    Fun Realm idea's

    You do understand that pandawow is a shitty server too, right?
  11. I won't listen to someone with QT after his name. Shut up please you're talking bullshits.
  12. It's a bugged class and should be fixed. It doesn't matter how strong it was in the previous patch.
  13. It heals much more than 20k
  14. Wow 600%+ mana regen and you're still out of mana :O Warlocks don't have evocation so it should be fixed imo
  15. Rhyax


    5/10?? lol this should be 10/10. Have you seen a BM hunter? A malevolent BM hunter just used all of his pets and one-shotted my griev sham.
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