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  1. Erased.
  2. Sorry, But for responde you in control panel don't view real reason. WHAT cheat that reproach me? (so I can remember and try to find an explanation)
  3. Hello, I play in server pandawowFun My account name is= Aka1 I am banned but why? i no retrieve post or other comment on me... it's impossible for the anti-cheat to ban me 1month because anti-cheat need view log or other database for ban me but.. Please Why i am banned?
  4. Thank you so much, i am not sure to understand.. You are said like: All working pandaria RAID except Siege of Orgrimmar ? it's that ? or i don't understand?
  5. Error. I don't speak english very good.
  6. Hello, Time on time when i playing in Pandawow fun in Battleground when i fight player, time on time Wow no apparent reason without no error. I suspect player with use hack for this but what you think for that please? I have laptop with processor i3 / 4go Ram / Intel hd 3000 & nvidia gt 520m / Network wifi good. Wow exit like alt+F4 windows disapear without wow error. Do you know this problem please?
  7. Warning!! Hello, You are fighting in Pvp Arena or Battleground and Wow is stopped instantly? or crashing? = maybe bug graphic card....OR === Players use Tool Hack or Hack for Crashing your Pandawow.exe Proof= They use: http://wowjp.net/forum/11-281558-1 or other http://wowjp.net/forum/11-230859-1 http://www.ownedcore.com/forums/worl...ur-server.html My question is HOW TO PROOF for administrator this player or this players are used this?? Seriously .... i think if they need realy search/find...go find him Thankhs you because i look +2 players used this when Fight him
  8. Hello, Sorry for my bad english. Dotgirl and him friend server= PandawowFun Problem= UseHack to exit wow for enemyplayer. They use: http://wowjp.net/forum/11-281558-1 or other http://wowjp.net/forum/11-230859-1 http://www.ownedcore.com/forums/world-of-warcraft/world-of-warcraft-bots-programs/377075-crash-tool-kick-all-players-your-server.html Proof? how to proof this? seriously....stop crash player
  9. Hello i don't speak english, But my eyes is function. Arcanýa in realm FUN (10/09/2014) in BattleGround use hack walk water without buff or Dk. A And i look it's run possibly to fast regular speed +150. I look many War and player use Fly hack with regulation speed for undetected in realm Fun. It's so hypocrite but, among these players not supported other player use cheat.... i think... Please Arcanýa in realm FUN for moment or for always, Mago Arcan is more powerfull with speedhack or water walk or other
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