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Repitchx last won the day on January 28 2019

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  1. Anyone still plays? Any OGs still around? Been a while now. :D
  2. Spell: https://db.pandawow.me/?spell=20591 Issue: If you pick a monk and choose MW spec, you have to relog to get it to work What should happen: Should work the moment you choose MW. Priority: 0.1/10
  3. is this still bugged?
  4. Just to let the devs know what's up (so they hopefully don't bug anything) is that you should keep Subterfuge even after you use your trinket. https://gyazo.com/0da6059bca81e64d81e5edf6f0d7e4e6
  5. I tried to find proof of this long time ago, but couldn't find any. Thanks for reporting.
  6. the day i've been waiting for, for a very long long time... good luck pandawow with the recent pvp competition. = )
  7. no, game sucks donkey... if this tourny was in 2016/early 2017, perhaps i'd play, but nah.
  8. game is ded men
  9. (just shows that druids spams mangle after first rake.) idk if the video that TS provided is enough evidence to back it up as a bug... but at least it's a start. should talk about it, someone can maybe find videos.
  10. https://i.gyazo.com/744d7b4823527ba3c971e20587368dc1.mp4 wowhead doesn't mean anything. what they mean is that it does not get stolen, but spellsteal will act as a purge instead.
  11. If they should stop HL mid air or not, i dont know. HL leaps even while sapped, that's all i know.
  12. You already do with sap on pandawow, so not really.
  13. Abilities: https://db.pandawow.me/?spell=6544 & https://db.pandawow.me/?spell=6770 + https://db.pandawow.me/?spell=133277 (if needed) Issue: When you sap a warrior mid air, he still does damage/gets movement speed increase What should happen: Should cancel the damage/movement speed increase (speed increase comes from your 4 set bonus) Realm: All Priority: 2/10 (mostly will matter in opener in 2s, so not really huge, but perhaps it can be situational in 3s) Proof: https://clips.twitch.tv/SmallCoyNeanderthalShadyLulu (just shows that cc abilities/typhoon stops it) This goes for Dragon's Breathe, Mortal Coil, Blind, Disorient Roar, Scatter Shot, Wyvern Sting etc...
  14. Fix jk let it stay bugged
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