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  1. i just cant understand how you make 0 progress in 3 years of service that you put into the fucking server, are you actually fucking autistic or is something wrong with the food you eat? idk maybe they feed you cow shit for breakfast some chernobyl beef for lunch and a slice of hitlers mustache for dinner, tbh you should commit some mass genocide in your hometown so retards like yourself will never be born again, i mean, it's about time for the new world order to fuck all of you sand niggers up
  2. Why is this server so fucking shit all of a sudden? JK it was always fucking shit, I come back after being afk for 3 days, my heroic leap is autistic as fuck, it's like i have 10 fucking tons and i cant jump to my target, why does my fear just break after 1 damage, why does my fear just not work? why the fuck are there tryhard with full gear at 1.2k, why the fuck are you fucks not updating the server every friday, why the fuck is there not an update after 10 weeks, why the fuck is grounding still bugged as fuck, why the fuck is zeox still perma afk not doing anything that we're telling him, why the fuck am i even writing this, why the fuck am I even trying to make this server good enough to be playable when you stupid fucking idiots don't even try. FUCK YOU PANDAWOW, fuck you heisenberg, fuck you deadmouse, fuck you zeox, fuck you juster, fuck bulkaris or what ever the fuck your name is for not giving autsch his gear back, fuck zeox even more for being autistic as fuck, all of you are fucking garbage that shouldn't even fucking walk on this earth you muslim USSR faggots, hitler should've annihilated all of you.
  3. Milorad


    Stacking is working fine. Spell is still on GCD.
  4. Milorad

    Pet AutoAttack

    Tested and Fixed.
  5. Tested and Fixed.
  6. Milorad

    Unholy Frenzy

    Tested and Fixed.
  7. Still not fixed, overlapping.
  8. Milorad

    Victory Rush.

    Tested and Fixed.
  9. Still not fixed. First two iceicles are without damage reduction on frostbolt.
  10. Tested and Fixed.
  11. Tested & Fixed.
  12. Still not fixed. First two iceicles are without damage reduction on frostbolt.
  13. Milorad

    Flame Glow

    https://i.imgur.com/7iwlufw.png https://i.imgur.com/RsLCZGv.png It is still absorbing maximum of 5400 on low damage spells, battle fatigue still not working correctly.
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