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About NeexT

  • Birthday 09/21/1999

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  1. I am not able to connect to Panda WoW x100
  2. I managed to leave PT / BR to play and sometimes without any problem, the strange thing is when I iconify the game to see something, and I go to the game, of this error. http://prntscr.com/4qs3dp - - - Updated - - - The times of this error even when opening.
  3. I'm having this problem, but in my case is the language PT / BR - ptPT
  4. Can anyone help me?
  5. I tried all the options that you showed me but none of them solved my problem :(
  6. Note: My Adobe Flash Player is the latest version. I also tried to do what you taught me by disabling internet explorer Stand alone and did not find this option it, what do I do now? :( - - - Updated - - - How do I create it? Note: My Adobe Flash Player is the latest version. I also tried to do what you taught me by disabling internet explorer Stand alone and did not find this option it, what do I do now? :(
  7. There is no such option in my regedit http://prntscr.com/4qo6fc
  8. Титан Hello, I did what you told me to do, after all changed I was trying to open the game again, and this appeared to me the following error: Data \ pTpT \ locale-ptPT.MPQ: Unable to establish the flow of archived data. Check the network connection. For more information, visit https://battle.net/support/article/6250 Screen : http://prntscr.com/4qo1es
  9. Hello everyone, well I would like to report a bug that is happening to me regarding the change of language, I'm not Russian, so when I go, I will in the settings and I select the option to change the language and I select my that is the PT / BR and then a message appears saying that wow needs to be restarted, but when I open wow again, it is in Russian and has not changed for my language, I looked at a tutorial of changing language here but the forum was not in my language but in English and a few others. Well if anyone can help me or even send me a link to download the language PT / BR I'd appreciate it. :)
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