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  1. login to the wow 64 or 32 bits (depends on your computer) change the language exit the game open your torrent program delete the seeding (which is connected with padnawow) and the run wow again ! It really works me it sounds wierd but ... oh and unblock it by left click properties on wow ! Hope i helped someone :) - - - Updated - - - Deleting the seeding is the key believe it or not !
  2. do you still need a help ? - - - Updated - - - do you still need a help ?
  3. I had an language problem i solved it and now i cant login to the realms it says u are disconected from the server immiedietly or this account .... or staying on connectig all day. Any suggestions how can i fix it :( ?
  4. I had an language problem i solved it and now i cant login to the realms it says u are disconected from the server immiedietly or this account .... or staying on connectig all day. Any suggestions how can i fix it :( ?
  5. I FOUND A WAY HOW TO SOLVE THAT PROBLEM: First before u login u have to uncheck every (reading-only) mark then unlock the launcher (properties:unclock) on the 32 or 64 bits then go to WTF/config change the ruRU to enEN i think it works with enGB or enUS too but i did it with enEN then delete the torrent , open ur torrent program and remove the seeding and it should work it worked for me ! :) P.S. before deleting the torrent and remove the seeding i loged in the game and changed my language to english then exit wow and delete the torrents - - - Updated - - - Deleting all the torrents connected with pandawow is the key , it sounds wierd but its true !!! :D hope i helped someone :D
  6. SAME HERE :D I read some things that worked for other people but they didnt work for me ....
  7. I have the exact same probem... i found some ways that have worked for other people but they didnt wok for me and now im stucked :( - - - Updated - - - go to your wow directory, open wtf folder and open config.wtf file with notepad or word pad or notepad++ then delete everything and copy and paste this text then save it for spanish wow game client this is for you: SET locale "esES" SET installLocale "esES" SET realmlist "logon.pandawow.ru" i did it with enGB and the same error appeared then i tried with enUS , same ..... - - - Updated - - - NONE OF THIS WORKED FOR ME!!!
  8. Molten shte e 5.4.2 dokato pandawow e vehce 5.4.8 edinstveniqt e che ne moga da q igraq na angliiski dava mi greshka ... - - - Updated - - - Molten shte e 5.4.2 dokato pandawow e vehce 5.4.8 edinstveniqt e che ne moga da q igraq na angliiski dava mi greshka ... - - - Updated - - - edinstveniqt problem *
  9. None of that worked for me... :( - - - Updated - - - I WANT TO PLAY SO MUCH BUT SINCE THE 5.4.8 WAS RELEASED ITS NOT POSSIBLE :@
  10. Dude I have problems with the retail wow when i download it i can run it only trough battlenet app . I dont have any wow folder . I downloaded Hearthstone from there and i have the folder , but there is no wow one :( , please help
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