Hey! I got a Problem.. A big problem ingame.. I can't join BG or Arena.. My friend got that problem too..
We joined a BG then it said ERROR 132 we did it again and again every time the same... We FIXED our Chars on the website and we was on Vash'jir.. We was like omg? We joined BG and it says that we are on ARENA.. We fixed it once more and we can't press any spell we fixed it once more the same after 1 fix we can spell all our spells ! :D But we can't join arena or bg's http://i.imgur.com/l7qX83w.jpg here 1 proof i press it all the time no QUEUE another friend invite me in group and he QUEUE for BG it is working but i cant even join ... same with arena! -.- I tested all DELETED all the GAME fixed char 10 TIMES died on my char... everything ... Please help me! :)
Best Regards ,