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Everything posted by Fireborn

  1. Thank you it worked, took me awhile to figure out but it turns out one addon was getting a ton of lua errors which in turn busted up my framerate. Disabling it fixed everything.
  2. Hello, I am a returning player here so long story short I downloaded the installer and installed PandaWoW client but I had backup of my wtf folder and settings in case I return here so I replace those so I dont have to redo my keybinds addons et cetera. After installing I logged in on my main (shaman) everything works like a charm. Now heres the problem, when I log in to any other character everything is fine in stormwind and orgrimmar but when I enter a battleground and get to a group fight my fps drops to 1-2 I cant play everything is freezing I have to alt f4 because it is unplayable after that I relogged to my shaman and did the same thing same battleground everything is fine I had 50+ fps smooth gameplay. Im seriously confounded what the hell? Any help, suggestion would be appreciated. Before you say yes I tried clearing the cache it doesnt help.
  3. Please delete this one, I accidentally double posted. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  4. Respawn timers are broken AF, praying and hoping that an ELITE would spawn at the same time praying some opposite faction player doesnt attack you while youre trying to down a 10 mil npc and ALL of that in hoping you will get green fire starter. Seems pretty stupid and lame to me, it needs fixing. Bump.
  5. Since when respawn times had any dependency whether server is classified high or low pop? Respawn times are incorrect should be fixed and thats the end of it.
  6. Thats the point, respawns should be no longer then a hour. On retail you just establish a route go around and there will ALWAYS be at least 1 up that you can kill. 8 hours is incorrect.
  7. LOL!! Are you serious? Those mobs are supposed to be farmable! I cant recall how long but no longer then hour ROFL. This needs a report.
  8. How exactly to get it? No rare spawns, and yet I know pepz who have full banks of it? How in the hell?
  9. I've seen way more then that. No wonder really cuz demo atm comes down to sit in tank form> spam 1 button(slash)>buildup your demo fury to 600 in under 10 sec> Pop demon form go ham> rinse repeat you can throw in occasional stun>gg
  10. Ive seen alot of demos recently to previously almost none, so your argument is not valid Saylance.
  11. No? The fact that your demon form uptime is like 70% and the rest of the time youre sitting in whats known as tank form that gives you excellent survivability despite the mastery scaling bug? Its a huge advantage.
  12. Fireborn

    Dark Apotheosis

    http://wow.gamepedia.com/Dark_Apotheosis Issue: Alot of demos out there will hate me, but demonic fury gained in Dark Apotheosis should reset when entering demon form. It doesn't, thus allowing demo locks to abuse and quickly build up demo fury giving us significant advantage. Also it should transform Twilight Ward into Fury ward making it effective against any dmg it doesnt. It should be marked as major bug.
  13. Ahhh I see, thanks for clarifying that. I most certainly will its an awesome item. :)
  14. I saw undead warrior here using it, how come he has it then?
  15. I cant find http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=50442/ashbringer-extra-effects in item shop and I saw a guy some days ago using it as xmog. Tried searching by ID doesnt work tried sifting thru item sections no dice either. Help plez?
  16. I've seen people balling with archaeology stuff so I figured I could pick it up to level it for the lulz and then I find out theres no digsites. I tried relogging, deleting cache etc. none of the conventional methods work, so is it bugged or what?
  17. People say its possible to get mount legit way but npcs are all scattered nothing works horde landing signal flare isnt even there unlike alliance counterpart. Is there a way or was this all just bunch of trolls?
  18. Much obliged.
  19. Can someone in plain english explain to me how to use the damn thing? I figured out it has something to do with first slot of the backpack but when I put legendary over there and press first option which by all logic should be the one to perform the xmog nothing happens. Im trying to xmog pride 1h swords to warglaives.
  20. This one goes out to the devs. I do hope although I know probably you dont give a shit like always take a look at shaman bug section and take a note that 80% of our spells are bugfest clusterfuck making us the most try hard hard class on panda wow since grievous season. Glyph of healing storm is broken taking our main defense I wont even go into how every other defensive/healing spells is completely bugged or just partially working. For the love of all puppies and enha aficionados in the world FIX US ALREADY! Thank you for your attention, kappa.
  21. Fireborn

    Elemental Blast

    You scrubs obv never played retail, the only problem is random ele blasts that do 80k crit as full pride. Stop crying and learn the facts.
  22. if the elemental was doing any real damage I would understand the fuss but since I can do more damage with my mage auto attack is it really necessary? I thought that he somehow had ele blast and that :D
  23. Name: Slaviko MW Monk Realm: Fun Description: Used Transcendance to get INSIDE pillar in Tol Viron to eat/heal effectively making him untargetable. SS proof: http://imgur.com/tr1bVw5 If the staff needs more proof I have screenies that show while he is drinking inside etc. Please ban this scrub.
  24. Problem with this is IF YOU spam the button sometimes will not give runes I dont think there is a way to fix this on private tbh, same thing goes for chi brew so we just gotta cut down on panic buttoning and should be fine.
  25. That is complete bullshit, I'm 5/5 pride with few major offsets and I crit mind you CRIT people for like 100k AT most self buffed so however did you do 300k its some exploit. Btw it works only below 35% so before you try to report learn spell mechanics first.
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