Name: Overdøts (me)
Server: Fun
I was dueling a dk, i lost, i just said " fucked up", "gg" and i got muted as u can see on the screen, can you fix your moderators.
Name: Swdjkxtoqtx and Varrius
Server: Fun
Reason: He one shotted us together without doing any damage ( He is a healer priest)
Name: Rayanna
Server: Fun
Reason: Fly hack to take a base on Deepwind George: He took a base with a teleport hack like you can see on the chat and "The battle of .. has started" I think its a solid proof.
Name: Nitz
Server: Fun
Reason: He was in front the door at the open of the arena. I already did a thread but i put a wrong screenshot you can check this one
Name: Unptownt
Server: Fun
Reason: He insulted me i said him if you insult me one more time you gonna get mute and he told me mother fucker