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Everything posted by Luvosax

  1. Name: Overdøts (me) Server: Fun Proof: [ATTACH=CONFIG]117874[/ATTACH] I was dueling a dk, i lost, i just said " fucked up", "gg" and i got muted as u can see on the screen, can you fix your moderators.
  2. Name: Swdjkxtoqtx and Varrius Server: Fun Reason: He one shotted us together without doing any damage ( He is a healer priest) Proof: [ATTACH=CONFIG]116231[/ATTACH]
  3. Hello my conquest points didn't reset for like 6 days now. Name: Noproof-Fun Please fix that. Thanks.
  4. Nice vid, it's a good proof. - - - Updated - - - Good vid, he has to be banned
  5. Name: Lirtf Server: Fun Reason: Fly hacking Proof: [ATTACH=CONFIG]108783[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]108784[/ATTACH]
  6. Name: Rayanna Server: Fun Reason: Fly hack to take a base on Deepwind George: He took a base with a teleport hack like you can see on the chat and "The battle of .. has started" I think its a solid proof. Proof: [ATTACH=CONFIG]87218[/ATTACH]
  7. Name: Isaprocky Server: Fun Reason: I stopped arena with him and he insulted my mother and me ... Proof: [ATTACH=CONFIG]87160[/ATTACH]
  8. Name: Pipiooee Server: Fun Reason: I killed him in gurubashi and he insulted my mother Proof: [ATTACH=CONFIG]86956[/ATTACH]
  9. So dont report if you dont have solid proof man.
  10. ChivNPJSA this is not a good screen shot we cant see any hackers.
  11. This is not a good screen shot. You need a video for speed/teleport hackers
  12. Dont mute him please his computer was bugged and i dont know how to remove the screen shot ...
  14. Name: Ragort Server: Fun Reason: he was in front the door as the start of the arena Proof: [ATTACH=CONFIG]86349[/ATTACH]
  15. Name: Piikalee Server: Fun Reason: Flyhacking Proof: [ATTACH=CONFIG]86281[/ATTACH]
  16. Names: Druidbr and Jlsdf Reason: Double healers in arena 2s. Proof: [ATTACH=CONFIG]85774[/ATTACH]
  17. Name: Blackheal Server: Fun Reason: We started the arena and he was in front the door. Proof: [ATTACH=CONFIG]75958[/ATTACH]
  18. Name: Forgax Server: Fun Proof: [ATTACH=CONFIG]75943[/ATTACH] I dont know if its bannable.
  19. Name: Nitz Server: Fun Reason: He was in front the door at the open of the arena. I already did a thread but i put a wrong screenshot you can check this one Proof: [ATTACH=CONFIG]75744[/ATTACH]
  20. Name: Nitz Server: Fun Reason: We started the arena and he was in front the door Proof: [ATTACH=CONFIG]75738[/ATTACH]
  21. Name: Deadmanw Server: Fun Reason: Spam Proof: [ATTACH=CONFIG]75737[/ATTACH]
  22. Name: Unptownt Server: Fun Reason: He insulted me i said him if you insult me one more time you gonna get mute and he told me mother fucker Proof: [ATTACH=CONFIG]74452[/ATTACH]
  23. Name: Fuckyoumonk Server: Fun Reason: Name contains insults Proof: [ATTACH=CONFIG]74364[/ATTACH]
  24. Name: Thyartmurder Fun: Fun Reason: Spam Proof: [ATTACH=CONFIG]74088[/ATTACH]
  25. Name: Otorva Server: Fun Reason: Abuse gems with blacksmithing we can have only 1 gem Proof: [ATTACH=CONFIG]73730[/ATTACH]
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