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Adlairo last won the day on September 8 2016

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  1. idk if i come back, it depends on whether this server is totally dead or not at least the english community, idc about the russians
  2. So who from the days of old still plays here? Been gone for a long time and was just curious
  3. me of course :Kappa:
  4. just checking in after a while, wondering if anyone plays Rated BG's? Might return to wow for the lolz and was wondering if anyone was down for it
  5. pandawow threads 101
  6. pogchamp
  7. it is already the ultimate clown fiesta purely because first of all: random players are in the admin, people should be hired from the outside the site was worked on for many months but it is still not properly organized, for an example an entire item set of ilvl 535 costs 250 gold bonuses but a belt of the same ilvl costs 355 bonuses which makes it impossible to complete sets the entire forum is just a fucking garbage can filled with hopeless salty idiots qq'ing about absolutely nothing and having fights over absolutely nothing once again I hope one day you forum dwellers can see how truly hopeless you are. You all think you're right when you talk shit about literally nothing but the truth is that you're just fucking dumb retards DDOS'ing over a video game and then afterwards trying to break other classes so you won't be bothered by them. And if you do get ddos'd you somehow lose all purpose in life so instead of trying to do something about it you're just pointing fingers and complaining. it's funny because this server is sinking in the shit and you're all going down with it
  8. who actually cares if this server is good, nobody plays here anyway.. and if people do play its the same old bullshit trash talk also, don't try to complain about people not queuing for X reason when you don't play at all yourself.
  9. please refrain from shitposting
  10. Alright so i'm on the store trying to buy Tier 15 Heroic Set for Druids. I see that I can get the 5 main pieces for 250 bonuses which is a reasonable price. But to complete the set I need the belt, and after looking for the belt I find that it costs an astounding 355(!) bonuses. I mean, what the fuck? The whole set costs 250 bonuses but the belt alone costs 355???????????????????????? Just make the sets complete with the other off pieces and up the fee accordingly, or make the prices for the individual items reasonable... this is complete bullshit the way it is.
  11. this whole forum is actually just bullshit
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