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  1. Spell : Eyes in arena http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=34709/shadow-sight Problem : They pop 60sec after the game started (Just q arena and you'll see btw) How it must work : They should pop 90Sec after game started Proof : Check sprint cd All realm : Priority of the problem 10/10 for rogue... Thx to repair this one Peace
  2. Yo eyes pop 60sec after game started while it should be after 90sec it's big disadvantage for rogue. You can check (Watch Sprint cd) Thx to repair this one peace
  3. Fun : Claimytko hi, i lost my Furious gladiator and Gladiator titles on Claimytko (Mage) cause i get a Reset Char while i was in game like many people. Let me know when i can get back this titles peace
  4. sup, i get the same bug on "Claimytko" Fun : lost Gladiator and Furious Gladiator Titles
  5. Player : Claimitko Server : Pandawow Fun Hi, i want know if it's possible to add these item in misc : First l The Flag of Ownership : http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=38578 Second l Goblin Weather Machine - Prototype 01-B : http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=35227 And if you can add s9 and s10 R2 rogue in item Tmog cause lock mage priest have this mog and not the rogue. S10 R2 : http://www.wowhead.com/itemset=-405 S9 R2 : http://www.wowhead.com/itemset=-373 I hope it's possible !! Thx Ps: Why can we buy Pve Gear and be Ban if we play with this one... 10k Conquest for buy this.
  6. Player : Claimitko Server : Pandawow Fun Hi, i want know if it's possible to add these item in misc : First : http://fr.db.pandawow.me?item=38578 Second : http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=35227 and if you can add s9 and s10 R2 rogue in item Tmog cause lock mage priest have this mog and no the rogue. S10 R2 : http://www.wowhead.com/itemset=-405 S9 R2 : http://www.wowhead.com/itemset=-373 I hope it's possible !! Thx Ps: Why can we buy Pve Gear and be Ban if we play with this one... 10k Conquest for buy this.
  7. i'm not Ripdjingoqt. Srsly, you use bug buff pet x5 man and you say he use bug pve gear ? pet buff x5 was a bug on retail too but only in s13 not in last season ! evidence you play BM in last season on retail people don't play bm since s13...
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