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Señorpujo last won the day on December 11 2016

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  1. what happens with that, it don't bother the hole team
  2. like all in game stats for every class, all stats scale the more % u have, strengh, agility, intelect, mastery, critic, haste, parry, dodge, etc..
  3. http://i.imgur.com/c8VfGyr.png
  4. since when did u had any taste? lol 0/10
  5. most of time i que alone nab, i just leave if the cancer level is over 9000
  6. every class take a good profit from haste scaling, so dk does too
  7. what u mean, i've been 3k on pve season and 2,9k on pvp season both r1 dk when i played :) - - - Updated - - - where says that is 2s?
  8. Option A: be a mage and use heroism (30% haste CD with 10min cooldown) before bg start. Option B: be a paladin and don't even buff mastery no matter what. Option C: be a hunter and stay with 30% speed aura 24/7 no matter what. Option D: be russian and don't understand english at all.
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dbqclzLwbmQ
  10. http://i.imgur.com/45yuJgz.jpg 1 mill dps :X
  11. http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Glyph_of_Death's_Embrace problem: works properly just when the ghoul isn't on 100% hp How should work: Should give back 20p of runic power always, not just if ghoul isn't on 100% hp all realms 6/10 runic power is important (check how many runic power consumes) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Cbtyk5ML4Y
  12. % haste benefit for ghoul how works atm: example, i have 17% haste, my ghoul attack speed goes from 1,80 (normal speed) to 1,70 (thats not 17% haste) http://i.imgur.com/WYuJEU8.jpg http://i.imgur.com/AaiCqlQ.jpg how should be: example, with 17% haste --> 1.80 x 17 /100 = 0,3. Attack speed with 17% haste should be 1.80 - 0,3 = 1,5s attack speed all realms 5/10 ghoul is important for unh dk
  13. i don't think that thats a bug, every stats scales like this the more u have of some stat the more % increase, why u think all pve classes are so broken, due to the scaling
  14. /cast !Conversion http://i.imgur.com/mP0AA9L.png problem: just work if u spam the button (making your global cooldown proc) how should work: like a buff, you active conversion with the macro and u get the x2 ticks heal, without need to spam the button losing time all realms 7/10 important heal https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9nQTYd79nGM
  15. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=167693&page=68&p=1254420&viewfull=1#post1254420 i never start :) you and aldario are the cancer here, sorry.
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