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Everything posted by UnusualDesires

  1. Cmon. Is this ever going to get fixed? seriously. Multiple people are posting about this in this thread. Warlocks are so bad right now without pets. GAME BREAKING BUG. PLEASE DO SOMETHING.
  2. Nicknames of Your characters.: Ihacilia Information about Your Game Client: 5.4.8 I got it from another server, ******. Though that will just get asterisk'ed out. Torrent. Info about the problem: Warlocks can not summon pets with grimoire of sacrifice at the moment. Any other talent on and I can summon them, but they dont work right. Cant dismiss or do anything with them. I've tried fixing talents from the site. Summoning pets with different talents, then going to sacrifice, clearing cache, getting a friend, who is also having this problem to try the same. Nothing. This is a serious issue for warlocks guys. Help? No SS becuase the moment i summon a pet, it dissapears. http://prntscr.com/59u2u3 Is my folder. Edit: I did a little more trying with it. It's still broken and multiple people say they have the bug. The pets just come as unknown, and you cant do anything with them if they stay. So yeah. Please fix. Warlock is a pet class, and pets dont work. So this kind of breaks the class.
  3. Character name: Demaacia Version: 5.4.8, (DLED from ******, converted to this. ) Someone abused a bug, now the honor vendors are dead, and I crash any time i even come near where they're supposed to be. How I tried solving it: Coming here so a GM might notice and fix it. A repost of my last one. Guys. Could we please do something about that? I'd really like to buy my gear and not crash every 2 seconds because people kill the vendor that's supposed to be unkillable.
  4. Solved. Though it would be nice if you guys made the vendors unkillable so people would stop doing that, and making anyone that approaches the area crash.
  5. Character name: Demaacia Version: 5.4.8, (DLED from ******, converted to this. ) Someone abused a bug, now the honor vendors are dead, and I crash any time i even come near where they're supposed to be. How I tried solving it: Coming here so a GM might notice and fix it.
  6. I installed the 5.4.8 patch on a clean client, and i crash. Also, before, I was getting the "Convert your account to a battle.net account" thing. No idea how to fix that either. Help?
  7. Is there even one on the 100x server? I'm an alliance oriented person, but I can make horde as well. I have yet to see a single line of english in the chat, even though there's all sorts of english support on the site. Someone had to make an english guild somewhere, right?
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