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  1. Well, I am here just because a buddy told me than the spanish language forum pack here doesn't works properly, and yes, he's right. Here is a language pack if you want to change it. https://mega.co.nz/#!O0omWJjQ!qySRbcBJdpQOFT0s08QXS7_CFIsFfeGCzK-UMrFED9k With that language pack the � problem should be fixed. That's all. Nice day to everyone.
  2. Vas aquí http://forum.pandawow.ru/newthread.php?do=newthread&f=220 Y creas un tema que contenga (todo en inglés) Name: (nombre del jugador que uso el hack) Realm: (Reino donde ocurrió, ya sea x10, x100 o Fun) Description: (Descripción de lo sucedido) Y finalmente añades las fotos tal cual lo hiciste en este post. Saludos.
  3. Lo siento carolina774, pero deberás crear un post en el foro adecuado y utilizando el formulario para poder que el jugador sea baneado. Saludos.
  4. I guess they fixed it because I used the feature and exclude Isle of Conquest and since a few weeks I never enter on that bg.
  5. Hello. I want to sell a few characters: Male Orc - Windwalker monk: ilvl 525 (have engineering full) Male Undead - Rogue: ilvl 530 (have tailoring, engineering, cooking and first aid 600; 3 transmog sets; crystal of insanity) http://i.imgur.com/6nCLP77.jpg http://i.imgur.com/BX3nV3M.jpg http://i.imgur.com/yK5guFD.jpg Male Undead - Warlock: ilvl 523 (have tailoring, engineering and first aid 600; the cobrak's transmog set; Crystal of insanity) http://i.imgur.com/3nqdx7y.jpg Male Undead - Mage: ilvl 525 (have tailoring, engineering and first aid 600; have griev gear for all the specs) Female Human - Death Knight: ilvl 525 (geared for unholy; blacksmithing, alchemy and first aid 600) All the characters are for sale for the minimum price (275) If interested please PM me. :beer:
  6. OMG, I should sell all my characters on this server now haha
  7. The good part is: my ban expires in less than a week. The bad part is: The staff are doing random bans and unbans. Just i.e. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=105057
  8. As you can see here http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=78845&page=14&p=729064#post729064 You're going to unban that guy because it was a "mistake" I made a report yesterday and that guy "Noris" is on it. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=104956 Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/m5vkjOy.jpg So, that guy should not get unbanned. Cya.
  9. Ashran sucks, many bugs.
  10. Muy buena suerte con la hermandad :D
  11. Note: All of them are players of the Fun realm Name: Asteryx http://i.imgur.com/kbMQ0be.jpg Name: Khaldroggo http://i.imgur.com/q5C4kHB.jpg Name: Fuzzypuzzy http://i.imgur.com/Mns5aU8.jpg Name: Bubbleboy http://i.imgur.com/gHXusCF.jpg Name: Ppepa http://i.imgur.com/ClmCYhF.jpg Name: Diluted http://i.imgur.com/TF1SQpJ.jpg Name: Noris http://i.imgur.com/m5vkjOy.jpg
  12. One question to you GMs, are you banning for abuse the pve set of the paladin (the one which gives incredible amounts of heals)
  13. I laugh a lot with the title xD
  14. Well, as I can see they ban but they cann't say who did the punishment...
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