I want to sell a few characters:
Male Orc - Windwalker monk: ilvl 525 (have engineering full)
Male Undead - Rogue: ilvl 530 (have tailoring, engineering, cooking and first aid 600; 3 transmog sets; crystal of insanity)
Male Undead - Warlock: ilvl 523 (have tailoring, engineering and first aid 600; the cobrak's transmog set; Crystal of insanity)
Male Undead - Mage: ilvl 525 (have tailoring, engineering and first aid 600; have griev gear for all the specs)
Female Human - Death Knight: ilvl 525 (geared for unholy; blacksmithing, alchemy and first aid 600)
All the characters are for sale for the minimum price (275)
If interested please PM me. :beer: