1. Name of not working spell/quest/npc etc: Auction House - Searching
2. Description of the problem: When you search for an item, no matter if you are searching for the full name or only a part of it, you get told that the item isn't available. However, it says this at all times, even if this item is currently sold on the auction house. This issue makes it terribly difficult to find items sometimes, especially in larger categories such as Mining loot or Gems.
3.How it must work: Searching for the full name of an item, or only a part of it, should lead to the player receiving a list of all the results.
4.Date when you tested it: 30/11/2014
5.Realm (x100/x5/Fun): X100
6.Priority of the problem: 5/10
1. Name of not working spell/quest/npc etc: Auction House - Order of displayed items
2. Description of the problem: Items in the auction house are displayed in a totally random order, for example on page 1 you might find a piece of armor for 10.000 gold, while somewhere on page 12 it is sold for 2.000 gold.
3.How it must work: Items should be displayed in this order:
First criteria: Item quality (Green, Blue, Purple, etc), descending - There won't be any blue items listed until you have scrolled through all purple items, and so on.
Second criteria: Item name, alphabetically
Third criteria: Item price, ascending, meaning that the cheapest item is at the top.
Here is an example screenshot of how it should look: http://pad3.whstatic.com/images/thumb/0/00/Make-Gold-in-World-of-Warcraft-Step-3Bullet1.jpg/670px-Make-Gold-in-World-of-Warcraft-Step-3Bullet1.jpg
4.Date when you tested it: 30/11/2014
5.Realm (x100/x5/Fun): X100
6.Priority of the problem: 5/10