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Everything posted by emwakc

  1. Had to add SET realmlist "logon.pandawow.ru" into config hehe.If some1 else has the same problem check if its there cuz apparently it may disappear :O
  2. When i tried to log in it says i have to log in with battle net acc o.O what sholud i do ? I preffer not installing new cliend with 2 mb/s down speed hehe.
  3. Hey, I started having problems on my main char-I keep getting wow error while on the other characters i have no problems what so ever. It crashes instantly as soon as i log mage . I already tried unstucking in on the page :)
  4. May i ask is it really gonna be down till tommorow morning ?
  5. Hey, im quite new to the server so i dont know where to exactly look on forums about announcments, I just wanted to know whats happening to fun sever and when will we be able to log :)
  6. oh, okay, thanks for the reply:) cheers :D
  7. Hey, i was in the game and everything was working normally when my wow froze, dced and when i tried to login back its stuck on "connecting" for a while and then says i have to login with battle net account. I havent changed any of the setting so i dont know why that happened and what i should do.I tried redownloading config but doesnt help.Btw realmist is still pandawow. Help please :)
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